36 - The Big Boss

Start from the beginning

"Unicorns don't exist," Alex said realistically. "So this is like seeing a whale in the wild?"

"Or a handsome stag," Ethan said. He exhaled as he watched Lord Baker from afar and said, "I don't mind riding him."

Alex gaped at him and he blushed crimson.

"You're right, no more alcohol for me." Ethan straightened up and looked at Lord Baker. "You know what? I'm gonna go talk to him."

Before Alex could stop him, Ethan had moved towards Lord Baker. Alex watched from afar as Ethan talked to Lord Baker animatedly. Lord Baker was smiling politely, but the others around him looked like they were offended. Ethan's laughter was ringing through the hall. 

After a few minutes, Alex decided to go and save Ethan from further embarrassing himself. She approached the small group and greeted sweetly, "Good evening everyone. I hope you're enjoying the party." Then she wrapped her hands around Ethan's arm and coaxed him, "Come on, sweetheart, time for us to go."

"No, no, I'm talking to Lord Baker," Ethan said, pulling his arm away. He turned to Lord Baker and said, "Lord Baker, I must tell you that I-"

He stopped mid-sentence and suddenly looked sick. His hand shot to his mouth and Alex knew he was about to hurl. "Excuse us!" she said to the group. She pulled Ethan away and dragged him to the bathrooms as fast as she could.

She spent the next 10 minutes rubbing Ethan's back as he hurled into the toilet bowl. Ethan was mumbling about embarrassing himself in front of Lord Baker. Alex told him not to worry about it. After Ethan had emptied his stomach contents, he cleaned up with Alex's help. 

"Ready to go back to the party?" Alex asked him, straightening his collar. They had to take off his white bow tie. Some vomit had stuck to it. 

"Do you really think I should? Maybe I should just go home." Ethan said dejectedly.

"Nonsense! We have so much partying left to do," Alex declared. She threw away the wet tissue and grinned at Ethan. "Shall we?"

Ethan exhaled and said, "Yeah."

They exited the bathroom and paused at the door in surprise. Lord Baker was in the hall.

He looked behind them and asked, "Is that the Men's room?"

"Yes," they both replied in unison.

Ethan looked down at his chest and groaned. "I left my bow tie on the sink. I'll be right back." Then he disappeared back into the bathroom.

Lord Baker turned to Alex and said, "I believe we haven't been properly introduced. I'm Paul."

"Alex Smith," Alex said to him, shaking his hand. He smiled politely.

"So, are you Ethan's wife?"

"What? No," Alex said, chuckling. "Ian, Ethan's partner, couldn't come out tonight. He's not feeling well." Paul nodded and Alex continued, "Actually, I work for B&G."

Paul looked mildly surprised, his eyebrows arched a little. "You're one of our talent?"

"Yes," Alex replied.

Then Ethan returned and Paul turned his attention to him. "How are you feeling, Ethan?"

"Better, thank you," Ethan smiled awkwardly.

"Good," Paul said, smiling. Then he excused himself and went into the bathroom.

Ethan swooned and said, "He is so hot!"

"He thought I was your wife," Alex told him, grinning.

"Really?" Ethan asked in disbelieve. "So, I can pull off being straight?"

They laughed. Then Alex wrapped her hands around Ethan's arm and they went back to the party.

Being true to her words, Alex cut off Ethan's alcohol for the rest of the night. So instead of drinking, they were sampling all of the chocolates from the dessert buffet table for fun, laughing and giggling from the sugar high.

"Excuse me?"

They both looked up from their plate and Ethan coughed, almost choking on a chocolate truffle. Paul was standing at their table.

"Are you okay?" Alex asked him and Ethan nodded furiously. She chuckled and smiled up at Paul. "Hello again, sir."

"Please, just Paul," Paul said. Then he extended his hand and asked, "Would you like to dance?"

Alex was surprised by the invitation. She looked at the dance floor. Everyone was slow dancing. She looked at Ethan and Ethan's eyes were wide. He was surprised too. Alex smiled politely at Paul and took his hand. 

He led her out to the dance floor and placed his free hand on her waist. She rested her hand on his shoulder and they started dancing slowly to Sam Smith's Lay Me Down. Alex caught Ethan's eyes. He was watching them with his face in his hands, sighing deeply.

"I think Ethan has a crush on you," Alex said quietly.

Paul chuckled and said, "I'm flattered. Thank you."

Alex looked at his smiling face and smiled herself. "Ethan tells me that you run the agency in London?"

"I do."

"Are you here on business?"

"I am."

Alex nodded. She realised that Paul was not much of a conversationalist. So they continued dancing in silence. When the song ended, Alex stepped back and smiled at him. "I'd better get back to Ethan before he gets lonely."

Paul raised her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. "Thank you for the dance."

Alex nodded graciously and went back to join Ethan. Ethan was ready to call it a night so they left the party together.

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