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It's been a year since I left, I haven't seen them or talked to them. I continued to act, surprisingly my mom didn't make me say they're fans. I haven't had sex or kiss anyone unless it was for a movie. I'm 18 now, I'm still in love with James. I doubt he still loves me but I know I still love him. I wear his clothes every night, I haven't taken the ring off. All the photos we took and the drawing was on  my wall the only thing is that his cologne is finished. It's hard for me to sleep with out it.

I got a new manager, Stella. She's nice and isn't rude, she goes by my schedule and tells me when I have certain things. I moved out of my other house, I changed all my bank info and sewed my mom for her taking my money. I got it back and she was later evicted from the old house, Steve left her. She Live's somewhere, she finally has her own job. I live with Stella, her husband Jake and her son Josh. 


"Yes dear?"

"C-can I go to Paris?"

"Uh yeah! When?"


"Oh! How long?"

"I don't know." I fiddled with the ring.

"Of course you can love. Can you take Josh with you? Me and Jake are going on a vacation soon."

"I love you so much Stella you don' understand!" I hugged her "JOSH PACK YOU'RE SHIT WE'RE LEAVING TOMORROW!"

"Where the fuck?" He came out in sweats and shirtless

"Paris." I said excitingly. 


We were on the private jet, I was so happy to go back. I wondered if they still lived there? What if they hate me? What if James has a girlfriend?

We finally landed, I called my one and only favorite car driver. Dave.

"DAVE!" I ran to him and hugged him

"Hello darling! Glad to have you back." He started to drive off "Who's this?"

"A friend of mine." Dave raised his eyebrow "No Dave, I still love him." He then smiled

"Good. They still live there if you wanted to know." He sent me a wink, we parked in front of a hotel that was close to their house. "Come visit sometime." 

"Do they still like me?"

"Of course my dear!" He Kissed my forehead and drove off. 

We settled in, I was happy with the room. Then I sat staring at my phone, I mememorized her number before I left. I typed it in, "Hello?" Her mouth was full

"Don't talk with your mouth full!" Peter

"Gross babe close your mouth." Gabe

"Thehe Jamieee" strawberry

"Shut the fuck up she's on the phone." Him

"Thank you Jam, anyways. Sorry hello? Who is this?"

"Jamie?" I said

"I-is that you?"

"Jamie..." I sobbed 



"Jamie that's not funny."

"Jamie! Put her on speaker!"

"Jamie swear to god!"

"My love?"

"I'm back in P-paris. Can I come and visit?"

"Yes!" They all said in unison, I hung up. "Josh!"

"What" He groaned

"Get dressed, we're going somewhere."


I stood there, right in front of the door. I couldn't knock, "Are you going to ring it?" he teased, the then rang the doorbell. The door swung opened and there he was in all his glory... my love.

He grabbed me and picked me up "I missed you so much oh my god I was so cold without you."

"SIA YOU BITCH!" Jamie slapped my ass

"YOUR ARSE I MISSED IT!" James started to squeeze it

"SIAAA!" Strawberry yelled

"Sup airplane girl." Peter said

"My sister is back!" Gabe yelled, I didn't waist anytime and kissed James. Everyone was screaming but it was blurred out. 

"James." I released "James I'm sorry... I still love you." 

"I still love you, nothing can change that." He smiled, his dimples god I missed those dimples. Then I heard someone clear their throat, Josh. Forgot about him

"Everyone this is Josh! He's my managers son! He's 16." 






"Hi..." His eyes darted somewhere else, I followed LIALA!

"LAI!!!!!!" I wiggled out of James arms and tackled her. I felt Alice and Jamie jump on top. 

"You're back...."

"Yeah and Josh is eyeing you." Alice said wiggling her eyebrows,  pointing at him. I saw her cheeks redden. 

"Babes I haven't had sex in a year because of you!" James yelled carrying me to his room

"James put me down!"

"We should go... their loud." Peter said, they left. James pinned me on his bed he started kissing me, I missed this... I missed him.

"I miss you so much my love, my heart ached without you." A tear fell down, James is crying.

"I missed you too James.... I also ran out of you cologne." I teased, he chuckled sending tingles down my spine, he smirked happy to see he still has that affect on me.

"I have plenty but you're not going anywhere so it won't matter." I nodded agreeing

My life was complete again, I was with the people I love and care about again. Let me promise you this.... it won't end. Never ever, not over my dead body. I will be with them forever, I will never leave them again. I need them, I can't breathe without them. 

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