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Max took me to a little bakery in the hotel, it was cute and small, but a good small not like tiny tiny. When we walked in the workers smiled at her, I was confused did he come here a lot? We sat down at a booth, he didn't look at the menu once as I skimmed it.

"So I'm guessing you come here a lot."

"How'd you know?"

"The way the waitress's look at you and the fact that you haven't touched your menu once."

"Good eye, yes. I come here everyday all day, I suggest the chocolate muffin and the italiano panini."

"Ok then" I put the menu down, then a waiter come up to us.

"bonjour, que puis-je vous apporter?" What can I bring you? She asked with a smile looking at Max.

"habituelle" Usual Max said, she turned to me waiting for my order. Her face seemed annoyed once she turned to me. 

"Uh.... muffin au chocolat et panini italiano."chocolate muffin and italiano panini  I gave her a small smile.

"You speak good French for and American." She took the menu's and left, I shook it off and looked at Max who was already looking at me. I smiled, I saw his cheeks get red. Then the waitress came rushing back, looking at Max. 

"idiot moi, qu'est-ce que tu veux boire" Silly me what do you want to drink? She asked playfully hitting her head.

"mmmm.... milkshake au chocolat" Chocolate milkshake. Max said.

"Moi aussi" Me too. She then walked away. "I want to get to know you." I said looking straight in her eyes. He chuckled and started to take off his leather jacket he had a tight white shit on and it was revealing a whole sleeve of tattoos. I gasped "How many do you have?" I asked 

"That's all you have to ask?" 

"No, but right now that's my first question."

"Uh... maybe 50 I don't know."

"That's more than 50 babes. That's like.... 89 maybe."

"Fine, so. Why did you come here?"

"To get away from my old life. I know I can't stay away for forever, it will soon catch up but a vacation would be nice right now." He nodded "What''s you're favorite color?"

"Pink." my eyes widened "What?"

"Pink! No offense but you look like maybe dark gray, black or blood red." He chuckled and ran his hand through his hair.

"No. Pink, I don't know why so don't ask me. How about you?" The lady came back with our milkshakes, she winked at Max but he wasn't even looking at him, he was looking at me. She gave me a nasty look before leaving. 

I started to drink my milkshake, I looked up to see he was still looking at me. "Brown." He started to laugh historically, he started to grab his chest. He then calmed down and whipped away a fake tear.

"Brown?" I nodded "Do you like shit then?"

I gasped and faked being offended "And what if I do?"

"Well... nothing. You be you." He said seriously, we then bursted out laughing. We calmed down when our food was given to us. There was a piece of paper under his plate, I was confused so I took it out. He also had a confused face, I opened it but then closed it. "What?"

"I don't want to read it, it was under your plate." I handed it to him but before he opened it he turned to the waitress behind the counter giggling and looking at us. She then ripped it up. "No don't do that!"

"I hate those girls, they hit on me everytime I'm here. I hate it, it's annoying. They won't leave me alone."

"Then why do you come here so often?"

"The owner. Marbel, she's a sweet old lady. I call her mom sometimes." He had a smile on his face while talking about her. 


We walked out of the store. "Merci pour la nourriture!" I said waving as walking out. We walked around a little. "This place is huge." 

"There's a party tonight." I make eye contact with him. "Wanna come with me?"

"Oh yes! I can make more friends!"

"You consider me as a friend?"

"Oh yes, of course. You were nice, showed me around and everything."

"Can I have your number." I nodded and handed her my phone, she typed it in. "Seems like you don't have many friends." He said handing me my phone.

"No I have much more contacts but I got a new phone and number. Remember, getting away from my old life." 

"You must've hated that life to cut everyone off." I nodded "Also you look really familiar." Oh shit, I forgot that I was a fucking celebrity. What is she finds out and uses me oh my god, how could I forget. "Calm down. I'm just saying you do, I'm guessing I'm right. Are you like famous or something?" I nodded shyly "Prove it."



"Because I don't want to get used." We were in the elevator now going up

"I'm not gonna use you." We walked out. "I'm not changing so can I just stay here?" I nodded. 

"Sorry if what I said was blunt but it's just when I was with you I kind of forgot that I was even famous. So I when you asked I was taken back a little." I went to my luggage and started to unpack, then I realized something. "Uh... Max?"


"I might've like you know. Not pack any cool clothes because I wasn't expecting to get invited to a party, plus I was going to go shopping." I started fiddling with my fingers, why was I nervous?

He placed his hands on mine "It's ok love, there are several shops in here. I'll take you." I smiled, I grabbed my stuff and we walked out. "You have your wallet this time?" I rolled my eyes as we walked to the elevator.

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