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"Is what true?" Peter asked

"This kid told me that there was a girl you offered to stay at your house and then you guys fucked her, then kicked her out when her pussy wasn't good anymore." I said staring at the window.

"Haha, you mean Bella? I had a thing for her, she would always come to our house without a warning. She got obsessed and always wanted to have sex not even wanting to know who I was, she did it for like her fuck list. If she got one of us it was like 20 points, so I ended it with her. She's not aloud in the building anymore." Gabe said

"Oh ok." I looked over to James, I felt bad. I scooched over to him and rested my head on his shoulder, he seemed surprised. He looked down at me as I looked up with a shy smiled, he wrapped his arm around me hugging me to him. 


It was morning and all of the boys had somewhere to go. I was home alone, not after I had an argument with James him not wanting to leave me and me saying I'm perfectly capable. My only thing is that I needed to make friends, I then heard the doorbell. I was confused because the boys just left. I check the peak hole it was some girl, I opened it a little.

"Hi! Peter sent me because they didn't want you to be alone! I'm Jamie!" He was hyper and American. I opened the door further for her to enter, she took off her shoes and went straight to the kitchen. "So how'd you meet the boys?" She asked with her head in the fridge and I went to sit on the dining table.

"Uh I met Peter at an airport and I met the rest of the boy after a party. They took me home."

"How nice, their such gentlemen." I nodded "So you speak french?"

"Yes and several other languages."

"Conosci l'italiano?" You know Italian?


"Good, we can talk secretly abot stuff so they can't easedrop." I laughed, for hours we got to know each other. We have a lot in common, she was sweet and just fucking awasom over all. When the boys came we switched to talking Italian and ignoring them.

"Per quanto tempo pensi che possiamo continuare così?" How long do you think we can continue like this? I shrugged.

"Non lo so, continuano a fissarci" I don't know they keep staring at us. We just started to laugh.

"Ok girl cut it out please." James said, we walked over to the couch and laid his head on my lap. "We had a long day, please speak english." He pouted

"Penso che gli piaci, odia il contatto umano" I think he liked you he hates human contact. I looked at her funny when she said that. I started to stoke his hair, he let out a tiny groan and put his head in my stomach.

"Non credo proprio" I don't think so

"Beh, penso di sì" Well I think so. I let out a sigh and looked down at James.

"What'd you do today James?"

"I had to stop by my parents house and help them with stuff, then I had a shift at this café I work at and then I went to the gym to get my mind off of things." He then chuckled "I saw Max there, it took all my will power to not be him up. He was flirting with a girl, I all I could think about was you and what he did. So when he left I told her about what he did so she could be safe, she wasn't really listening. She was just shocked at how I was talking to her."

"Oh that's nice of you."

"Who's Max?"

"A guy who let his friend almost rape Sia." Gabe said stepping in.

"I want to kill Max."

"Get in line." James said has he stood up from my lap and walked away. 


It was night time and Jamie stayed over, she slept in my bed. It was nice having a girl friend, it sucked only knowing guys. I heard the house phone ring, "I'll get it!" I said jogging towards the phone, "Bonjour?" 

"So, you thought you could leave with out us catching you?" It was my mom

"Uh.... Qui est-ce" Who is this?

"Don't play dumb you little diobetient rech! Come home now! I have no more money and I have no access to any of your banks!"

"Je ne parle pas anglais, désolé. Vous devez avoir un mauvais numéro, au revoir." I do not speak English, sorry. You must have the wrong number, bye. I hung up, how did she find me?

"You ok?" I looked up to see James, I have him a small nod. He kissed my forehead, that was new. "Ok."

"Um where's the gym?"

"The gym?"

"Yes I need to work off some steam."

He chuckled "Ok I'll take you, ask Jamie if she wants to come."

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