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Jamie came over and we had a little Italian conversation about what happened.

"Così?" So?

"Non posso spiegartelo perché è appena successo, dal nulla." I can't explain it to you because it just happened, out of nowhere.

"È come bravo?" How good is he?

"Un milione di amore, non riuscivo a respirarne la maggior parte. Ha anche questa cosa per il mio culo." A million love, I couldn't breathe most of it. He also has this thing for my ass.

She let out a gasp "È sorprendente, non gli piace il culo." That's surprising, he doesn't like ass. "Fammi vedere il tuo culo adesso, per favore. In piedi." Show me your ass please, stand up. I stood up and lifted the hem of my shirt showing her my ass, she just started at it. She poked it, pinched it, then grabbed it and started to lightly tap it. Then the door opened revealing a sweaty Peter, Gabe and James. There eye's widened at the sight, I quickly sat down of embarassment. 

"Hai un bel culo, molto gonfiabile. È la misura perfetta per le sue grandi mani." You have a nice ass, very bouncy. It's the perfect fit for his big hands. She sent me a wink.

"Non mi è mai piaciuto. Tristan mi farebbe il prepotente per questo." I never liked it. Tristan would bully me for this.

"Ugh, fanculo Tristan è una cagna!" Fuck Tristan is a bitch

The guys weren't in sight anymore, they were all taking their shower. I sighed at went to the kitchen to get some cereal, I poured me and Jamie a bowl. We just sat in quite eating cereal. 

"I don't know what I'm going to do when they call." I said

"Nothin, you're going to do nothing." She replied, we finished and started to was our dish. I felt strong arms snake around me and water drops falling onto my neck. I turned at it was James... shirtless with dripping hair. 

"Dry your fucking hair James, you're not a wet dog." I grabbed some paper towels as he leaned against the counter. I started to ruffle his hair with the paper towel as his hand were on my hips, I stopped when it was damp. "There." I threw the paper out but him not letting go. I looked back at him and he had a smirk on his face. 

"You guys have to stop talking in your secret language it's starting to get me pissed." I gave him a 'as if' look crossing my arms "Why were you talking about Tristan? That's all I could hear from it." 

"Just stuff."  I looked down, he lifted my chin with his finger causing me to look at me.

"Tell me." his British accent was thicker than ever, it sent tingles down my spine.

"We were talking about my ass... he always made fun of it. I never liked it till...."

"Till what."

"Well, till you." I saw him smirk, he gave my ass a little squeeze making me jump. He kissed my cheek gently.

"I love your little arse, it's perfect." I started to laugh at how he said ass... arse, Jamie laughed with me. 

"Arse!" I laughed "Ass" I continued to laugh, he acted mad and crossed his arms letting go of me causing me to fall. Gabe walked in confused wearing grey sweats and a tight white tee. 

"What ya'll laughing about?" He helped me up but I just collapsed my head on his chest trying to catch my breathe.

"He says arse... not ass." Gabe chuckled a little, I turned leaning my back on Gabe to see him glaring at him. Was he jealous? Should I tease him? I looked at Jamie, she nodded her head. I snuggled into Gabe's chest as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. It was comfortable I didn't want to let go.

"This is a dangerous game you're playing sugar." Gabe whispered to me, he knew me too well. I looked up at him and smiled winking while at it. I then heard Peter walk in.

"Get a room you two!" He said, I gasped looking at James... he was pissed. 

"We technically are in a room.... the kitchen room." Peter rolled his eyes, I lifted myself from Gabe and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I skipped towards the couch and sat next to Jamie. 

"Ti piace davvero premere i suoi pulsanti, vero?" You really like to press its buttons, right?

"È così sensibile che è adorabile." He's so sensitive it's adorable.

"Ma perché Gabe?" But why Gabe. She whispered his name.

"Perché so che Gabe non ci penserà. È letteralmente mio fratello, non è nemmeno diventato duro e il mio culo era su tutto il suo cazzo." Because I know Gabe won't think about it. He's literally my brother, he didn't even get hard and my ass was all over his cock. She nodded in agreement. Peter handed up his amazing cup of tea, we kissed him on the cheek. 

"Well, my schedule is packed today. Once I'm done with this cup I'm leaving." Jamie said, I frowned. "Don't worry bub, phone's are a thing! Also I'll probably come at night." I nodded taking a sip, she chugged her tea and left. I was sad now.

"Gabe!!!" I yelled

"Hmm?" He walked over to the couch with a cup of tea.

"Jamie left me!" I whined, he let out a small laugh while taking a seat next to me. "You're the closest thing I have to her! You're funny, know how to take a joke, never goes to far and is just fun." 

"Thanks." Peter said walking behind the couch with his hands in my sweats dragging it dangerously low. James was next to him drinking his tea and sent me a wink and a grin. I blushed and looked at Gabe who was also grinning, then I looked at Peter he was doing the same.

"You asshole's what do you want!" I said pulling my knees to my chest.

"Hmmm, you do have a nice ass." Peter said winking at me, I was shocked.

"I will have to agree on that... very nice, plump and round. Perfect size." James said

"It looks very soft.... I want to slap it." Gabe said, I blushed and ran to my room and locked the door. Their maniacs! I quickly called Jamie but she didn't answer so I left her a voicemail explaining everything. I then got a call from a random number, I answered it. 


"Ahh, so you do speak english." 

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