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For my last week here, I've ignored Zander, he called me once. I wanted to answer it so bad but I didn't, Kaelin hasn't said a word to me. It was hell trying to show affection to Tristan, I know I said he was attractive because he is. He's just not my type, I also hated the names he called me when we fucked. They hurt my feelings.

It was finally friday, it was 11pm and I was ready to leave. I walked outside of my gate and waited for my uber, he arrived and helped me with my bags. I didn't pack much because I knew I was going to shop when I got there. 


I was sitting down waiting for the plane, I was just sitting there crying quietly. I then heard someone clear their throat. I looked up to see a tall blonde boy with blonde hair. He gave me a nice smile, I sniffled.

"Can I sit here?" He asked, I nodded. When he sat down I turned my head to him. "So what's up?" I gave him a confused look "Boyfriend? Family? Depressed?" He was so blunt, I raised my eyes and let out a small chuckle.

"Life." I said shaky, I looked at me waiting for me to continue. "My mom expects so much from me, she uses me for money, she made me have a fake boyfriend for more popularity, he uses me for sex, I cut off my bestfriends because I had to make it see like I was in love with him, I dropped the people that made me feel normal and actually got me over something I can't control." I said, sniffling. 

"Wow, you can't even control your life. Trust me when I say that you will find your forever, people you can't leave even of someone makes you. Someone you love so much you wouldn't be able to breath with out them." He said calmly, I looked up at him. He seemed genuine, I nodded. "I know it's hard to believe but there are better men out there."

No their all the same. "Ok." I said, he nodded and just left. Like they always do, every guy will leave you for someone else. They use you, take you when you're most vulnerable. 


I finally landed in Paris, it was so beautiful. I made sure before I got on the plane to change all my bank info, I got a new number and put it on that and a new email. I stood outside waiting for my cab, when I got in I smiled.

"Bonjor!" He said (Hello)

"Bonjor Monsieur!" I smiled (Hello sir)

"You speak good French Madam." He said with his thick accent

 "Thank you, I made sure to study. I'm quite fluent" 

"So, first time?"

"Yes, just wanted to take a break from reality and I was told Paris is the place"

"Well the hotel you stay is amazing, beautiful." 

"That's good. I want the full experience."

"Yes yes. They have eh.... tours there."

"That's amazing , I really want to get used to it here." We came to a stop, it was a beautiful hotel. He helped me with my bags, he even walked in with me. "You don't have to do this."

"I insist. You are quite kind. Here is my number call me if anything" He placed one of my bags down while handing me a piece of paper "I hope we meet again Princesse" (Princess) 

"Thank you so much for your help!" We did the little kiss on the cheek to each other. "Bye bye!" I said was he walked away, he gave me a little wave. I went to the front and check in, I got the presidential suite. When I walked in I felt like a princess, it was so huge and gorgeous. 

I was so jet lagged, I jumped on the bed. I've always wanted a room like this, the first place I wanted to go to was the Eiffel tower obviously. But once I cuddled up into the blanket sleep took over me instantly. When I woke up it was dark outside, I looked at my phone. The only number I had was my uber diver. I sighed and unpacked necessary things, I walked out to the balcony. I had a perfect view of the eiffel tower, it was so pretty. I took a shower and changed into and oversized hoodie and shorts. 

I grabbed my phone and the key, I walked out. I saw a map of where all the things were on the floor. I realized I forgot my wallet and jogged back to my room, I bumped into someone.

"Oh my shit I'm so sorry!" I said meeting a persons eye (not wanting to guess their gender), giving them an apologetic smile.

"Aha it's ok, what you in a rush for?" Their accent was very thick

"Oh I forgot my wallet, I just arrived and kinda wanted to explore the hotel!"

"I can tell, you didn't greet me. You must be from America." They smirked

"Oh! Bonjour!"

"Bonjour ma dame." (Hello my lady) They bowed a little, I bowed as well. I giggled a little. "If you want I can show you around."

"Yes yes! Oh thank you! Uh... come follow me to my room!" They started to laugh "What's funny."

"Tu es en desordre." (You are messy)

I crossed my hands "C'est pas gentil." (That's not nice) I walked away, I knew they were following me. Once I opened my door they walked in with me, they seemed to like my room a lot. 

"Enorme" I laughed and found my wallet. "So you speak French."

"Yes! You seem like you're from here, stay at a hotel?"

"I got kicked out of my house."


"Don't feel bad, I wanted to leave anyway." I nodded

"So.... uh.... what are you're pronouns?" They looked shocked at my question "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you I just... um.... don't want to miss-gender you!"

"No it's fine, actually you're the first person to ask me that." We walked out of my room and started to walk towards the elevator. "I go by female and male pronouns. Which ever you prefer." She gave me a nice smile

"I go by female if you didn't know, I'm Cassia!" I said extending my hand for her to shake

"I'm Makenzie, you can call me Kenzie or Max." I nodded my head and She shook my hand. I think I just made a new friend. 

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