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I laid in my new bed getting comfortable, I have already set up my bathroom and the closet. James said he would go shopping with me tomorrow, I still had to get used to this whole thing. So I picked up their house phone and dialed a number, the only number I have memorized.

"Uh hello?" I started to tear up when I heard his voice. "Cas.... is that you?"

"Y-yes." I sniffed

"Hey, how's it going." I sat on the floor in the middle of the kitchen. 

"I wanted to say I'm sorry, I thought it would be better if I pretended to love Tris and then hate you so then if they asked anything you could say I hated you or something."

"I know, I know. Why are you crying?"

"Because so much has happened and I miss you."

"Tell me."

"I met a nice trans person, he turned on me and let his friend almost raped me, there was a guy that I met while I was waiting for the airport, he saved me from the boy, now I live with them and that's it. I also feel like their using me I don't know, Tris told me that all guys only want to fuck me and nothing more. Even Max called me a slut... I don't know what to do Zan."

"Cas... I wish I could hug you. I'm so fucking sorry, I want to beat this bastard up."

I chuckled and the sniffled "I miss you soo much Zan."

"I miss you too babes." 

"Zanny!! Come back!!" I heard a female voice yell.

"Oh... you have company I'm sorry I didn't know I'll hang up."

"No don't, stay lets ta-" I hung up. I sighed and heard some shuffling.

"H-hello?" Then I saw James standing infront of me, he took a seat next to me on the floor.

"Hey. You think we'll use you?"


"Well we won't get that through your head now. We won't do such a thing like that to you, Peter told us that he met you on the plane and how you told him about your life. We wanted to meet you, not because you're famous but because we don't like people getting hurt." I looked at him "Listen, I've only known you for a few hours and I could tell you're not used to being this free. You're too nice to people and you cry a shit ton. But the thing is you never have a shoulder to cry on. So you call someone, but their busy."

"My fake boyfriend-"

"Yes... Tris is it?"

"Tristan but yes."

"Peter told us what you said about him, and what I heard from your call with your friend.... he's manipulated you. No all men are like that, there are men like that I won't deny it. But not every man out there are like that, you must have shitty taste in men because Max just happened to be one of those guys. Once you get to know us more you'll see we aren't like the others." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Why are you being so nice to me? We just met."

"You remind me of my sister. She passed when she was 14, but you remind me a lot about her."

"Oh, thank you. Also sorry."

"It's ok, nothing you can do about it. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on just come to my room. Its two doors down from yours, find me and rant. I will be all ears." I chuckled softly and dozed off to sleep. 


I woke up in my room, James probably carried me here. I started to sniff a little, it smelled amazing. Someone must be cooking, I walked and saw Gabriel in the kitchen cooking.

"Oh good you're up! Chocolate or blueberry?" He asked

"Chocolate please." I rubbed my eyes, James was on the couch and winked at me. Peter walked up to me and handed me a cup of tea. "Thank you." He nodded and walked away. "I was wondering how I will pay for rent. You guys can't pay for me you know."

"It's already paid off, for 5 years I think." Peter said sitting next to James.

"Oh how.. that must've been a lot of money."

"My dad. He owns this building." 

"Oh ok." I sat at the dining table and looked through my phone realizing there's nothing fpr me to look at. I decided to download snapchat and Instagram, I looked up my account and looked through my comments.

"She's gone?"

"Where tf is she?"

"She goes lives and just leaves us?"

"Shes a bitch no one even likes her."

"Come back please I miss you, I need you." I sighed and looked up my mom's account. She hasn't posted one thing about me, no surprise there, I go to Tristan and I see him with another girl. Did the contract end? I then look up Zanders, he posted a photo with me recently. The caption said I love you don't forget that. I then looked up Kaelin's she's private I rolled my eyes. 

I then went to some fanpages, my normal fanpage is worried for me wondering where I've been. Some don't care some are happy I'm ok. I saw a plate slide in front of me I looked up at Gabriel, "Thanks Gabe." I smiled at him

"We're on a nickname basis?" He asked

"Oh sorry..."

"No no calls us whatever. I call you Sia." I nodded

"We will all call you Sia." James said.

"Jam, Pete and Gabe."

"Why Jam?"

"I do not know." We all laughed, god I hope I won't have to leave anytime soon. I love them already. 

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