Chapter 22

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Saying jeonghan was scared couldn't cut it. He was terrified. He was going to be living with seungcheol alone......... And as a couple.......Doing couple things. Would we sleep together in the same room? Jeonghan wondered. He didn't know if seungcheol would want that at all, seeing as the male had not an atom of feelings for him. This was just so confusing.
When his mum had announced the news to him he had tried to be strong but had later broken down in tears when it was time to leave. He didn't want to leave his mum and dad also coupled with the fact that this was just too soon. He was only twenty for god's sake. Why would seungcheol want to whisk him away from his parents. It just wasn't fair. He had been sobbing the whole car ride and wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. At this particular moment the only thing jeonghan wanted was his eomma. He wanted her to call him princess, pepper his face with kisses and tell him that everything was going to be alright. If only she was here. Jeonghan sobbed more.

The car soon came to a halt in front of a beautiful and luxurious looking big gate, of what looked like a private estate. It was a bit similar to theirs but bigger. Is this where he lived with Hyera. Jeonghan silently asked himself as he watched the driver leave the car and heading to the front of the gate to probably punch in the code. Once they drove in, jeonghan had never felt more nervous and terrified in his life, he wanted to just let everything out and cry out loud like a baby. Wiping his wet cheeks, he moodily got out of the car clutching his baby blue button up sweater as he followed behind the driver who also carried the two suitcases he had came with. He had wanted to leave with most of his belongings but his parents had refused. Apparently seungcheol had bought him everything he would need and didn't want him to come with anything so he was only able to bring along his expensive moisturizers and cosmetics. No way he was risking face breakage with some new stupid products. Jeonghan was immediately shown to his room and even though he was still upset he couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the side of his lips once he layed eyes on the room. It was extraordinarily beautiful. The decor was off the charts, something he had never seen before. It had a princess like theme but still looked matured enough for a grown up. The sheets were a pink rose colour, with splotches of white on it. Jeonghan smiled as he sighted the pink plushes and teddy bears arranged neatly at the side of his bed and also besides the pillows. The walls were pure white and were also decorated with art figurines. That was what actually gave it a kind of matured vibe. He would be lying if he said he didn't love it. It was beyond beautiful. He knows what i like. Jeonghan thought to himself smiling. He was about to thank the male who had escorted him all the way and shown him to his room but realized he was already gone. "Oh" jeonghan muttered as he headed towards the bed for a nap. He was so tired, coupled with the fact that he had been crying non-stop. In fact, he was exhausted.



By the time Jeonghan had woken up, it was already dark. The long haired male stifled a yawn as he grabbed his phone to check what time it was. Jeonghan was shocked to see that it was already 7:49pm in the evening. Had he slept for that long. He reluctantly got out of bed, switched on the lights, before heading towards what looked like the bathroom for a quick shower. And just like the room, the bathroom was also top notch. It had everything from expensive body washers, to bath bombs, bath oils, foam cleansers, facial masks, moisturizers, body lotion, etc. They were all lined up beautifully in rows. Seungcheol did know how to treat a person and even though he wasn't planning on using the products he was really grateful for the effort. He was starting to feel a bit relaxed in their home now.

PASSION {JEONGCHEOL FANFICTION} Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now