Chapter 14

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Jeonghan was finally on the jet back home and just thinking about seeing his family made him feel slightly better after the incident that occurred few hours ago. After seungcheol had left the room he had balled his eyes out like a child for over an hour, feeling so used and ashamed of himself. And now all he felt was regret. This is what you get when you cheat on your faithful boyfriend with a married man. Jeonghan mocked himself in his head. Seungcheol was a really a terrible person.


Once Jeonghan was finally home, he went straight to his room without even checking on his eomma or sister. He didn't want them to see him like this, all broken and cried up. He didn't even shower or change into more comfortable clothes as he layed down on his bed, just staring. Seungcheol hadn't even called him to apologize for the way he treated him and just thinking about that instantly brought fresh tears to his eyes. His self pity party soon came to an end as he heard a loud knock at the door, followed by the sound of his door opening. Knowing it was his mom jeonghan decided to just ignore her hoping she would go away when he didn't answer. So he immediately closed his eyes.

"Princess? Are you sleeping?

Jeonghan still didn't answer, expecting his mother to leave but that didn't happen and the long haired male instantly grew annoyed as he felt the bed dip besides him.

"Eomma, please can you leave. I'm not in the mood." Jeonghan finally responded as he sat up. His voice sounding feeble and cracked.

"Princess what's wrong? Have you been crying." The woman immediately grew more concerned as she took in her son's sad state.

Jeonghan shook his head, not able to say anything as the tears started to fall slowly.

"Baby, please don't push me away. Tell eomma what's going on." The woman pleaded already on the verge of tears.

"E-E-eomma" jeonghan whispered out as he layed his head on his mother's shoulders not being able to hold it in any longer as he began to fully cry his eyes out. His mum had kept on asking what was wrong but jeonghan couldn't bring himself to utter even a single word. What would he say? That he was crying over a married man who he had been cheating on his boyfriend with? He could never tell his mom that. Not in this life. Not ever. Jeonghan loved the fact that his mother didn't ask him any further questions and was just quiet through out only playing with his hair and placing kisses on his forehead. He had used up so much energy crying and didn't know when he suddenly fell asleep with his mom still cuddling him.


Jeonghan had woken up really early the following day since he had morning classes. To be honest he didn't want to go as he was still not over yesterday's events but this was test week so he basically had to attend every classes as no one knew when a professor would decide it was suddenly time for a test. He was already prepared and was just waiting on joshua to come pick him up. Jeonghan kept on nervously staring at his outfit, wondering if it was bright enough to cover his sad mood as he didn't want his friends asking questions. He was wearing an oversized brown fluffy sweater and loose black pants. He had also applied a bit of foundation on his face and let his hair long hair down hoping it would cover his face a bit.

PASSION {JEONGCHEOL FANFICTION} Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now