Chapter 15

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It had been over a month since the whole seungcheol / jisoo incident and during that time jeonghan had managed to slip into a state of depression. Seungcheol still hadn't called him and jisoo wasn't still talking to him. They didn't hang out anymore and whenever his friends were supposed to come over to his place jisoo would give an excuse and not come. The only time he ever saw his bestfriend was during lectures or whenever they all hung out somewhere that wasn't his house. And even then, jisoo never spoke to him, and whenever their eyes would accidently meet the male would end up giving him a really cold look. That was what their friendship was now and it was all his fault. His happiness right now or more like relief right now was that jisoo hadn't told anyone what he did, especially now that they've noticed how apart he and Jisoo was. As usual they had bombarded them both with questions and even tried planning a lock in just so they could find out what was going on but jisoo still hadn't said a word. Not even to his boyfriend. He only told them that they were both going through a rough patch and that they would sort it out. To be honest jeonghan was really grateful that although jisoo probably hated his guts now he was still a good friend. His routine was wake up, shower, eat, sleep, go for classes if he had any and if not he would stay indoors spending the whole day thinking of his mistakes. His relationship with seungho was still as good as new but he didn't enjoy it anymore. Mostly because of the fear that seungho was going to one day find out what he did and end up hating him. Now how was he supposed to enjoy a relationship with that hanging over his head. And as for seungcheol, jeonghan couldn't help but wonder how the male was doing,  if he was okay, if he even thought about him just a tiny bit. Maybe he over reacted with the whole confrontation thing. Although he hasn't spent much time with the older he had gotten so used to him. His wicked ways in bed, his childish but cute side which he rarely showed, all of those things. If he was being completely honest with himself, he missed seungcheol so much even though the older had treated him badly. He really missed him. And if the older came back asking for a second chance jeonghan knew deep down that he would jump at it. But sadly for him, seungcheol didn't care about him and that was never going to happen. Some days jeonghan felt like he deeply hated seungcheol and would blame him for every bad thing happening in his life and other days the pretty male would end up crying himself to sleep thinking about the older male.


Jisoo's pov

Ever since jisoo found out about his best friend cheating on his boyfriend he just wasn't himself anymore. god knows he had tried to let it go, to move past it, to forgive. But he just couldn't because anytime he stared at his friend, all he saw was the long haired male on his knees sucking off the famous billoniare CEO Mr Choi in the fucking bathroom. Perhaps he didn't know jeonghan the way he taught he did, maybe he never did. Jisoo couldn't help but wonder how long jeonghan had been sleeping with that man. Oh he was definitely sure they had fucked because as much as he hated to admit it, Mr Choi was a really handsome and sophisticated looking man, even he himself couldn't deny that fact. But he was married, and jeonghan doing that with a married man was not nice at all. Didn't he have self respect? What was he even thinking? Because there was no way jeonghan was going to be anything more than just a good fuck to Mr Choi. It was just the fact. Jisoo couldn't help but feel really bad for seungho, knowing how much the male loved, cared and cherished his best friend this news would devastate him, it would break him to pieces. The male had basically dedicated his everyting to loving his best friend and had even given him a promise ring just to assure the male that they were going to get married. Wasn't that enough for jeonghan, why did he have to cheat on someone that loving. No matter how jisoo taught about it it just couldn't make any sense. Maybe jeonghan wasn't happy with the relationship and seeked comfort from someone else, maybe he wasn't inlove with seungho? Maybe he never was. How did his best friend even meet someone like Mr Choi because jisoo was sure you couldn't just walk into a cafe and find the older there. He was a busy man.

"Arrghhhhhhh" Jisoo groaned out in frustration, all this questions and thoughts were really draining him out. Despite everything, jisoo hoped he could one day find the strength to forgive his best friend.

PASSION {JEONGCHEOL FANFICTION} Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now