Chapter 18

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If this was how a hangover felt, jeonghan never wanted to experience such dreadful and sick feeling ever again. Like ever. His body hurt and his head felt like it was spinning dangerously and to make matter worse, his lower part ached badly. Jeonghan hoped and prayed that it wasn't what he was thinking. He had lost touch of reality last night after his fifth or was it sixth shot? He couldn't even remember. He had tried remembering the name and face of the guy he had been with last night but everything about lastnight seemed to be a complete blur, and the only thing he could honestly remember was telling the so called male how much of a horrible person he was. He had woken up alone in a fancy hotel naked. His clothes were scattered on the floor and the sheets smelled like sex. Even a dumb person could put two and two together and decipher what had happened but jeonghan didn't want to believe that. He didn't want to believe that he had so easily hooked up with a stranger all because he felt lonely. So with his head held up high, he stood up from the bed and quickly threw on his clothes and shoes before hurriedly leaving the room.



Jeonghan was currently laying on his bed reading a book. Since it was Saturday he didn't really have anywhere to go. Usually he would spend the day with Joshua eating and playing video games or shopping for the lattest wears but ever since the male had found out about his cheating, he stopped coming over. He also didn't want to bother the others as he knew they would probably be with their boyfriends.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Can't i catch a fucking break."

Jeonghan muttered to himself in annoyance. He just couldn't have any moment of peace without people interrupting him. He would just ignore them. He was about to go back to his reading when his door suddenly opened with a loud thud revealing a messily crying seungkwan.

"H-Hyung! Vernon l-left me!
The male cried out, as he made his way into the room, embracing the long haired male who stood worried and  confused.

"Kwannie, what's going on? What happened?
Jeonghan asked softly not wanting to upset the male as he knew how sensitive seungkwan could get. "Please can you tell me, I might be able to fix it." Jeonghan tried persuading the younger again. But the male only cried more so jeonghan decided not to ask again. For now he would just be the comfort that his friend needed.

After almost an hour of intense crying and comforting, jeonghan had finally got the male to open up about what happened. To say he was shocked was the least, he was confused. The Vernon he knew adored seungkwan with every fibre of his being and wouldn't just run off like seungkwan said he did. What was happening. Jeonghan silently wondered. He had refrained from asking the crying male more questions so he wouldn't breakdown again but he just couldn't understand. Why did Vernon leave?  Did something happen? All of those questions where going through his mind right now which he didn't have the slightest answers to. 

Jeonghan stared at seungkwan who had finally fallen asleep, admiring the male's beauty. He was just so cute like who would even think of hurting someone like this. He was just a loving and sweet boy. He didn't deserve to experience this kind of hurt at this age. It just wasn't fair. Jeonghan was snapped out of his thoughts when his phone suddenly vibrated on the bed, in front of him and immediately he saw who the caller was his breath instantly hitched in his throat.

S-Seungho hey babe, this is not a good time. Please can you call back maybe tomorrow. Jeonghan whispered, his attention never leaving the sleeping male on his bed.

Hannie, I know you told your maids not to let me in but this has to stop. I'm outside your door, we need to talk.

Jeonghan's heart instantly skipped a bit at the tone seungho had used on him. It wasn't hard to notice and jeonghan could literally feel the annoyance radiating off the phone.

Okay......  I'll be down in a sec

Jeonghan carefully threw his phone on the bed before silently heading out of his room. Once he arrived outside he instantly spotted his boyfriend. His perfect body was leaned against his car and jeonghan could already feel his stare on him as he approached the male.

"Hey" jeonghan shyly greeted. Standing a bit on his tippy toes to place a quick kiss on seungho's lips which the male immediately deepened causing jeonghan to let out a soft moan.

"So what's been going on with you?
The male finally asked as he pulled away from the kiss.
"Hannie, I've tried giving you your space and respected your boundaries even when it hurt to be far away from you but you just seem to be pushing me away the more. Did I do something wrong?

There was a huge silence as jeonghan didn't know what to say. What could he say.

"Baby." The other whispered his voice coming out somewhat cracked causing jeonghan to immediately notice the tears that had started to stream down his boyfriend's face.

Jeonghan stared with sympathy at how vulnerable his Seungho was in front of him. He could also feel his own tears starting to flow down his face. He had done nothing but treated this man like trash and here the male was still trying to fix things even though he wasn't even at fault. Jeonghan couldn't take it anymore, he just couldn't take it anymore.

"Seungho...... Seungho I've been a horrible boyfriend to you and you've really put up with so much of my bullshit." Jeonghan paused for a bit so he could properly wipe off the tears that were now streaming down his face like waterfalls. "I've been holding onto you despite my m-m-istakes b-b-ecause I didn't want to lose s-someone as rare and unique as you but..... but I don't want to do that to you anymore. I.... I think we need to b-break up." Jeonghan painfully revealed, all this while his gaze had been averted to the ground as he couldn't bring himself to look the male in the eyes. No one said anything but jeonghan could feel seungho's intense stare on him.

"If that's what you want then it's fine. I can't force you to be with me."

"It's what I want. Please don't bother calling me." Jeonghan whispered before walking back into the house, leaving the male alone in the cold night.

Once jeonghan got to his room he silently crawled onto his bed and cried himself to sleep.

More chapters coming soon. Also would be uploading some chapters for my other books too. Stay tuned🙂✌️

PASSION {JEONGCHEOL FANFICTION} Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now