Chapter 12

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Jeonghan awoke to the sweet smell of fresh coffee and pancakes and he couldn't help but smile. Stretching himself a bit he lazily got out of bed and headed out of his boyfriend's room before making his way towards the kitchen where he knew seungho was. On seeing him, the smile on his face automatically grew wider as he approached the cooking male.

"Goodmorning babe." Jeonghan greeted while also delivering a light peck on the other's cheek.

"Did you sleep well?

"Hmmmm, Yeah I did." Jeonghan replied as he got busy pouring himself a cup of coffee before heading towards the dining area to sit.

"Uhmmm.... Babe, some number texted you this morning. Apparently the person wants you to be ready in two hours time."  Seungho said to jeonghan who instantly choked on his coffee.

"Babe are you okay?

"Y-Y-yeah I'm fine.  The coffee is just hot." jeonghan replied with a small smile.

"So who's this person that wants you to be ready in two hours time? Seungho questioned, chuckling nervously at the awkward tension that had started to form in the room.

"Uhmmm it's my cousin chanmi, I'm supposed to go visit her today. I p-p-probably just didn't save her new n-number. You know how she always changes her numbers." Jeonghan lied.

"Oh, I knew it was something related to that. Your cousins tend to spoil you alot babe. The male laughed as he handed the device to the long haired male. So this means I'll have to drop you off early right?

"Mhmm..." Jeonghan nodded. He couldn't bring himself to say anything else, afraid he might slip up.



During the drive back home jeonghan couldn't help but feel a certain type of way. He was scared. What if seungho had started to catch up on the reality of him cheating on him,  what if he already knew, what if the messages seungcheol sent were more than that and his boyfriend was just trying to catch him in a lie.  This were the kind of thoughts going through his head at this moment. Up till now jeonghan hadn't really thought about the possibility of seungho finding out about him cheating and to be honest it scared him. He didn't want to lose the male at all because he loved him.  Or did he? He had been asking himself this question for a while now because saying you love someone and then cheating on them wasn't the definition of love. Jeonghan didn't believe that though. He was in love with seungho and he was sure of it. Last night was actually proof,  seungho had driven him crazy with more than enough pleasure that he ended up cumming twice. After that,  they had spent the night cuddling in eachother's arms, whispering just how much they loved each other. It was really amazing. The only reason why he was still messing around with seungcheol was because the older knew his body more than he himself and he did things to his body that he had never experienced before not even with seungho. Although the long haired male was sure that the more he continues to have sex with seungho, the more they would grow to be more comfortable to do whatever they wanted in bed.

They finally arrived at Jeonghan's home and the long haired male immediately said a quick goodbye to his boyfriend before getting out of the car and heading inside the comfort of his home. He was walking a bit fast as he knew he only had about an hour left before seungcheol would send his driver over to come pick him up. Once he got to his room, he quickly stripped off his clothes and headed to the bathroom for a relaxing bath. His anal muscles were sore and knowing the kind of man seungcheol was, sex would definitely be involved on this trip. After preparing the bubble bath and adding bath salts to his satisfaction jeonghan finally got into the bathtub embracing the beautiful and relaxing feeling that came with it. He could already feel his muscles letting loose, the feeling almost euphoric. He couldn't help but feel a lot of excitement at what seungcheol had planned for them both and although he hadn't known the male for a long time, he did feel a little bit of likeness towards the older. After a long and relaxing bath jeonghan opted for a simple and easy going outfit which was just an oversized white chiffon shirt, blue denim pants matched also with blue denim loafers.  Looking at the time on his phone jeonghan decided not to pack a suitcase knowing fully well it would delay him. Its not like I'm going to need clothes anyways jeonghan muttered smiling to himself as he threw his hair in a messy ponytail. He grabbed his phone from the bed smiling to himself again once he saw that a message had already been sent by seungcheol letting him know that his driver was outside waiting. The longhaired male immediately grabbed his phone before before stepping out of his room.

PASSION {JEONGCHEOL FANFICTION} Series Book 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن