Chapter 17

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Jeonghan stared at his outfit, one last time in the mirror admiring how pretty he looked. It had been a while he dressed up like this and to be honest he was a little bit excited. At least tonight he could take his mind of everything, off seungcheol. Seungho had called him earlier and had brought up the idea of them going to a private club which jeonghan had instantly declined, telling seungho that he wasn't feeling too well. He wasn't actually lying though, apart from being depressed, he had been feeling too tired to do anything lately. He wasn't eating and even when he managed to eat something he would end up throwing it up. With exams and practical already in motion, jeonghan hadn't had the time to go to the hospital, he would just go when his exams were over. Either way seungho had managed to convince him after much pleading and compliments and now he couldn't actually wait to get stupidly drunk with his handsome boyfriend and probably make out or have sloppy sex in the VIP session. Jeonghan heard his phone vibrate on the night stand and with much excitement the pretty male swiftly picked it up knowing it was his boyfriend.

"Babe I'm almost ready, just give me a minute to fix my hair. Are you outside already? Jeonghan asked. He really couldn't hide his excitement which actually showed in the way he was smiling.

"Yeah, about that babe- I'm not so sure I can make it tonight. My dad wants me at the company as soon as possible. Something about an important file being lost. I swear I'll make it up to you tomorrow, whatever you want baby. Please don't be mad."

Upon hearing this, sadness instantly overwhelmed the pretty male. "Oh, okay. It's fine seungho, I didn't want to go anyways." He managed to let out a short laugh.

"Okay babe, I'll call you later. I love you."

"I love- love you too." Jeonghan replied quietly not even waiting for the male to say anything else before he decided to end the call. Jeonghan suddenly felt like the room had grown more quiet and was silently mocking him even though he knew it was basically his own imagination. He wasn't mad at his boyfriend for suddenly canceling on him. After all, this past month jeonghan had done a lot worse.  He had canceled date plans, ignored seungho's calls and had even sometimes told the butler not to let his boyfriend in whatever he came to see him and he wasn't in the mood. And even in all of this, his boyfriend had been patient with him and never once did he raise his voice or get angry at him. He knew he was dealing with a lot and gave him time and space to heal. Even though jeonghan never for once told him what was going on. So who was he to get mad over something like this when he had done way worse to his boyfriend. Even the ones the male knew nothing about. Still he couldn't help but feel a bit sad. He didn't want to stay at home anymore. Maybe I should just go alone. Jeonghan thought to himself as he accessed his outfit again in the mirror, still contemplating on what to do. He finally decided to go out alone preferably a bar since he couldn't go to the club anymore with seungho. The pretty male had thought about going to seungcheol's restaurant since there was obviously a bar there but quickly decided against it. He didn't want to appear more desperate than he already was. Jeonghan was so sure that was why seungcheol treated him badly, because he was the fool who kept on giving his ass to the older like it was a free meal. With that decided, jeonghan thought he would change into something more comfortable since his other outfit had been a bit too catchy. So he quickly changed into an oversized white see through shirt and a pair of baby blue denim skinny jeans with black sneakers. He had let his hair down since he didn't really have the strength to make it into a perfect ponytail. He was just going out for drinks after all.

Jeonghan entered the private bar feeling slighty nervous, he had never drank alone talk more of in a bar. Whenever he drank he was either with his friends, his boyfriend or.......  Seungcheol. He tried to force his brain to stop thinking about seungcheol but it was like the situation was getting worse day by day. Jeonghan didn't know what to do, he knew he was supposed to feel guilty for cheating and he did, well to a point. But if he was being completely honest with himself, he enjoyed every bit of it. He wasn't going to lie, especially not to himself. Before his mind could go any further the pretty male quickly found a spot in a corner where he felt no one would bother him and requested for a bottle of vodka to be brought to his table. Don't get him wrong, he hated vodka and couldn't even get it down his throat without gagging but it was one hell of strong drink and the long haired male really needed something that would instantly get him drunk, hell even knock him the fuck out. So with his taste buds already prepared, jeonghan poured himself a full shot which he quickly downed. The male had to basically control himself from throwing the drink back up. After about two more shots, jeonghan was starting to feel good about himself, he wasn't thinking anymore, just basking in the euphoric feeling the alcohol provided. This was just what he liked, peace. Not staying cooped up in a room thinking and crying his eyes out everyday or watching his bestfriend Joshua making snarky comments and throwing him daggers whenever they hung out together with their friends. It was hell. It wasn't like he was the only person who had ever cheated in this world so why was he being badly treated for it, by his own fucking bestfriend for that matter. He swears he never meant to sleep with someone else other than his boyfriend but it just happened. And then it kept on happening. Did Joshua even care how he was feeling, he was the one that had been used by a married man and thrown away like some trash so why was he still the only one taking the blame.
Jeonghan's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a presence making the long haired male put his thoughts on hold as he looked up.

"Can I help you? Jeonghan asked in a cold like tone. Honestly he just wanted to be alone and not be bothered by some perverted creep probably looking for a quick fuck.

The male just stared at jeonghan without saying a word, smiling as he took a sit besides him. And for a moment jeonghan seriously thought the male was crazy all because of his weird attitude.

"I'm not really looking for a hook up if that's what you're thinking." The male finally spoke. I just don't like drinking alone and I just figured maybe you don't also. The male chuckled nervously making jeonghan release a small smile.

"It's fine."

"Thanks. By the way I'm Mingyu." The male introduced himself still smiling.

"Oh.....  I'm j-jeonghan." The longhaired male also introduced himself with a shy smile. Feeling a bit awkward as the male continued to stare at him. He was really handsome, Jeonghan had to give him that. He quickly shifted so the male could move closer to him before passing him the bottle of alcohol which the tall male willingly accepted, pouring himself a shot.

"So........  Look, I don't mean to pry or anything but why is someone as pretty as you all alone in a bar. Did you have a bad day or something like that?

Bad day jeonghan thought to himself as he let out a short laugh. Oh how he wished it was that simple. I just feel like drinking alone. Jeonghan replied the male, hoping he would drop the conversation already and just let him enjoy his drink in peace.

"You don't need to lie. Your aura reads sadness." The male pressed further with evident concern on his face causing jeonghan's facial expression to morph into that of sadness.

"I'm a horrible person." jeonghan replied silently trying his possible best to fight back the tears that were threatening to fall. There was absolutely no way he would cry in front of a stranger, so the long haired male sucked it up and placed a quivering smile on his face.

"You don't have to pretend to be okay you know? The male chuckled lightly as he downed his first shot before pouring himself another glass. So what did you do that makes you think you're so horrible."

"I don't want to talk about it. I would end up crying." Jeonghan muttered almost to himself which was true. He was already on the verge of tears so he did the next best thing he was good at doing.

"How about you? Are you dating someone or are you single? Jeonghan quickly interrupted the male, giving him a flirty smile as he scooted a bit closer. He immediately noticed how the male's breath hitched in his throat at their close distance making him blush a shade of pink.

"Well.... I guess I am. Not that sure of what I am to him yet." The male said as he laughed nervously.

"I sincerely hope things work out for you two." jeonghan said to the male while stretching his hand a bit closer to the male's thighs, slowly rubbing on it a little. The action instantly made the tall male turn his head towards jeonghan's direction as they were now staring straight at each other.

"More shots? Jeonghan asked, immediately breaking their eye contact as he grabbed the bottle with shaky hands before attempting to fill up both their shot glasses. He could feel his face already growing hot and jeonghan didn't know if it was the alcohol getting to him or if he was turned on. Either way he wouldn't dare allow whatever this was to exceed more than just casual flirting.

I'm baaaaaaaccccccckkkkkk😘

PASSION {JEONGCHEOL FANFICTION} Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now