Chapter 28

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Welcome to Chapter 28 - sorry for the delay in uploading, I have been doing some editing on all my stories - here is the next chapter, enjoy!!!

Rafael POV

It was getting dark and I was worried as both Scott and Lydia's groups were not back, as the doors start to rattle I hear running getting closer before Scott, Lydia, Teresa, Minho, Malia and Derek appeared with someone draped over Derek's shoulder. I follow them as they run directly to the Medical Hut and Derek gently lies a body of a boy onto one of the beds to reveal the pale face of Thomas.

"How? How did you find him?" I ask as Melissa starts checking him over as Teresa sits down next to him holding his hand.

"Technically we found them both but could only save one." Scott explains before breaking down crying in my arms.

"Raf, Stiles asked us to give you a message. He said he wished you had time to finish the puzzle together but you would need to finish the last five alone with the note he left you." Minho advises before walking out of the room as Scott heads to sit on the bed opposite Thomas.

I start tapping my pockets looking for the note but then I remember I hadn't seen it since I left to find Scott after we had all seen it.

"Stiles's note we received with Peter, do you know where it is?" I ask hoping someone knows where it is.

"Here, I picked it up off the ground. Why?" Scott advises pulling the note out of his back pocket before handing it to me.

"That message from Stiles, he left me a clue in the note he sent with Peter." I explain taking a pencil off the side and laying the note out in front of me.

I thought carefully about the cryptic message that Stiles had given Scott, Lydia and Derek but then as I was staring at the note certain words seemed to jump out at me and I noticed that each word was five away from each other.

Once I followed this pattern along the entire note, I found that yet again a hidden message was inside the note. Clever boy Stiles, I place the pencil down and notice while I had been working everyone had gathered with in the confines of this room.

"I know how to save him, he left us instructions on what needs to happen next." I state pointing to the note.

"The lesson I taught at Stiles's academy was about using codes and messages within messages to send a secret message. So Stiles always joked every time we spoke about it, saying it reminded him of a puzzle so that became our agreed code." I continue to explain to the room

"So Stiles said in his message that I had to put the last five pieces together which means every fifth word is part of the hidden message. Look I have circled them all, sometimes it doesn't always make sense but under the circumstances he did a pretty good job." I advise turning the note around for them to see.

(A/N – Stiles's note)


Please forgive me for what I have done, I couldn't let you all plan and decided who deserved saving. I took the deal, Thomas lives and I stay on, he is going to return to Glade, reunite everyone with hope and love with plans.

I am sorry that Peter was used but the Sourwolf was busy. Maybe when together, they can have a break. Tell Scott no to tank tops as he doesn't need to try and look cool, save your money for buying me a present.

I have five words left to say, day is short, life is limit.

All my love


I wait for everyone to finish reading the note again and I am hoping they pick up the hidden message inside but they all look at me with confused looks on their faces.

"Um what message are we meant to be seeing, I only see the same note with a few wiggles on it." Chuck answers scratching his head.

"So if you read every fifth letter alone you get the other message. Look, here let me right it out with just them words." I advise turning the paper around and writing out in capitals so they can all read it FOR I PLAN, THOMAS ON RETURN WITH PLANS. PETER SOURWOLF TOGETHER BREAK TANK TO SAVE ME. FIVE DAY LIMIT

"So if I understand this correctly, Thomas has the escape plans to get us all out of here. Peter and Derek together need to break the tank to free Stiles and we have to do all this within the next five days." Alby asks and I am thankful they have understood the message in the same way I had.

"Yeah, that is what it seems like. I have to say he is one of the smartest people I have ever met." I state feeling slightly guilty that I had never told him this myself.

"So what do we do now as time is wasting away and we have a time limit?" Sheriff asks and I notice the hope returning to his face that we can save both of his sons.

"Well we need to wait for Peter and Thomas to wake up so we can get the additional plan off Thomas and then we start putting the plan in place." Lydia advises and I can hear soft chuckles coming from Scott who is looking out of the window.

"Scott, are you okay?" I ask and he quickly turns around and I notice he has tears running down his face while chuckling.

"Yeah, its just in all of this he managed to come up with the plan to save not just us but himself and Thomas. Also I am happy there was a hidden message as I had no idea what he was on about in relation to the tank top, I thought he got me and Peter confused." Scott advises and I notice a ripple of chuckles running around the room.

"Hey, I wear V-necks not tank tops. Thank you." Peter's voice grumbles out as he sits himself up rubbing his eyes.

"Welcome back, how are you feeling?" Melissa asks heading over to him and checking his pulse.

"Does this class as the second date we never got?" Peter asks before standing up as Melissa moves her hand away and heads to stand next to Scott.

I watch as Peter seems to look around taking in his surroundings before his eyes land on the bed where Thomas lay.

"Well will you look at that, his plan is working. Cover your ears please, the young pup needs to wake up." He states and I cover my ears confused as everyone else before Peter lets out a loud roar towards Thomas.

"Ahh! I think I just klunked my pants." Thomas states as he shoots up in the bed.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!

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