Chapter 1

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Welcome once again to Chapter 1 - I will limit what is written here as this is a reload. So if you are new to this story Welcome to the adventure, if you are reading this again Welcome back and thank you for rereading this again - Enjoy!!!

Melissa POV

I was just walking out of the records room at the end of my shift when the announcement came over advising I had to come to the main entrance as my assistance was required. Before I turned the corner I heard him shout my name asking for help, as I ran around the corner I saw Stiles covered in blood holding up a man that seemed to be the same age as him and looked almost identical as him also.

"Oh thank god Melissa, I need your help." Stiles stated as soon as his eyes landed on me and I noticed him sway slightly as he looked at me as though he was struggling to stay up right himself.

"Dawson grab me that trolley now!" I shout and point to the trolley at the end of the hallway before heading over to help Stiles carry the man to the waiting trolley.

"Stiles, tell me what happened and what injuries you are aware of?" I ask as I try and find where all the blood was coming from.

"He was shot in the left side of his lower chest and has some cuts and grazes from the building exploding, I think he may of passed out due to blood loss." He stumbled out as we moved to the waiting trolley.

"Melissa, no one can talk to him apart from me please." He stated grabbing my arm after we lay the man down on the trolley.

"Okay Stiles, I will get it noted down. What's his name?" I asked as they took the man away to have his injuries assessed and fixed.

"Thomas, that's all I know. I need to go, I have work to do." He stated turning around and started moving slowly towards the exit.

"Whoa, hang on a minute. You are not going anywhere Stiles, you are clearly hurt yourself and currently look like you have just walked out of a zombie movie with the amount of blood covering you." I state firmly grabbing his arms as he swayed again when he stopped to listen.

"I'm sorry but I can't its too dangerous for me to remain here. Please let me know when he wakes up!" Stiles advises more firmly then I had ever heard him talk before and then left the hospital.

I went over to the counter and logged Thomas into the system with the limited information I managed to obtain from Stiles and then grabbed my phone knowing Stiles is hurt and in danger and needs help. I dial Scott first knowing he would let the rest of the pack know and then contacted Sheriff and Rafael.

Scott POV

I had just finished my first patient of the day with Deaton at the Vet Clinic when my phone rang signalling Mum was calling me. I knew she finished her shift and should be home by now but normally she doesn't call me as she normally went straight home to sleep.

"Hey Mum, what's up?" I ask trying to sound cheerful in case I was in trouble but the answer I received was not the answer I was expecting.

"Scott, grab the pack and Deaton and get to the Hospital now. Stiles is in danger." Mum answered hurriedly.

"Mum, slow down. What do you mean Stiles is in danger? He's in Virginia with Dad at the FBI academy, I spoke with him last week and he said he would be home in a few days for summer break." I explain panic seeping into my words.

"He arrived here about an hour ago covered in blood, I will explain the rest when you get here." She advised firmly before hanging up the phone.

As I pulled the phone away from my ear I couldn't register what my Mum had just told me, he was back but I didn't know he was even back in Beacon Hills, he hadn't been back since he came back to help with the Gerard and company.

"Scott, what's wrong?" Deaton asked shaking me out of my thoughts as I hadn't heard him enter the room.

"That was my Mum, she needs us and the Pack at the hospital. Stiles arrived there about an hour ago covered in blood. She said he told her he was in danger." I stuttered out still unable to register what I had been told.

"Okay let's get going then, I'll drive as you are in no fit state too. Text the Pack and advise them to meet us at the hospital." Deaton advised grabbing his keys and jacket and flipped the close sign on the Vet Clinic as we left.

I didn't know what to write so decided to keep it simple and sent the message to Derek, Peter, Lydia, Malia, Liam, Hayden, Mason and Theo. I also decided to send the message to Chris as I had a feeling we may need his help with this also


Thank you for reading - next chapter is already ready for your reading pleasure!!

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