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"yah, you!"
A deep voice echoing the corridor, his sleepy eyes were no longer hooded begging to be closed when he noticed the other alpha walked passed him.

"did you just called for me?"
The said male asked when he found no one else around him so he assumed that maybe the other was calling for him.

The younger nods his head as he was walking towards the other direction. He casually checking out him from head to toe before a frown take over his face when he approached him.

"the clothe seemed nice but I'm sure it was familiar in my eyes"
He said and stopped his trace in front of the other alpha.

"your name is yoongi right? yeah maybe this is familiar because i bought this online, you may see the same pattern on some online shopping websites"
The older said as he adjusted the blue colored clothe wrapped around his neck.

"i don't think-"

"I'm sorry but i don't want to late to my class so please excuse me, hope to see you around yoongi ssi"
The older cut him off while looking at his watch, he flashed Yoongi an apologetic smile and walk away, leaving the younger still standing at the same spot behind.

"Lee Taemin"
He tasted the name on his tongue as he keeps glaring at the said alpha until he was really disappeared from his sight.

Min Yoongi is the type that hard to trust people except for his close friends and by judging from the face expression from the older he won't buy anything Taemin had said earlier, for him all of his action were suspicious yet strange. He was busy glaring at non so specific person along the corridor until a familiar voice echoing through his eardrums.

"yah, yoongi hyung why are you standing here alone? let's go to our class"
Jungkook said after he patted the older's shoulder to make him notice about his existence there.

"Jimin, look! we have a matching bag!"
Taehyung said cheerfully as he showing his bag that he bought for Jimin and himself when he going out to buy his best friend's birthday present.

The two omega have silly smile plastered on their face while they walked through the hallway to their class. They talked about random things and laughing for Taehyung's weird jokes until they finally arrived at their class and to their surprise both alpha were in their class too. Both of them looking at each other before they shrugged their shoulders making their way to the back seat.

"don't make them notice!"
Taehyung whispered as Jimin cupped his mouth using his tiny palms to prevent any loud voice escape while he giggles along with his best friend.

They settled the table with their books and stationary. After that they turned to face each other again before they once again burst into giggles, Taehyung was trying his best to make Jimin lower his noise or else they will be caught by the alphas who were not realising their presence yet. Jimin didn't waste his chance to look at Jungkook who tried to make a conversation with yoongi who was cursing at him for disturbing him sleeping. He then noticed the alpha huffed before he turned his head around frantically making both him and Taehyung gulped in nervous.

"Taetae! what should we do?!"
Jimin whisper yelled to his best friend.

"Jimin i think you didn't block your scent and now Jungkook probably had already noticed you around, why didn't you block your scent you pabo!?"
Taehyung gritted his teeth and shake the soul out of his best friend's body.

"minie? yah, why don't you tell me we are going to be in the same class?"
The honey like voice stopped the two of them and making they looked at the two alpha who were already standing next to their table, abandoned the table they used to seat earlier.

"i-i-i don't know w-we are going to h-have the same c-class, i never t-thought Mrs Lim will ombine her class w-with your lecturer hyung ah"
Jimin slapped his mouth right after he finished talking for stuttering mess, embarrassing himself in front of his friends especially Taehyung who will tease the shit out of him later.

Jungkook just chuckled and take a free seat next to Jimin while he shooing the older to take another seat next to Taehyung. Yoongi didn't refuse as he was gladly taking the seat next to the said omega and without wasting any time lying his head on his crossed arms on the table, closing his eyes calming and slowly let the darkness take over him.

"i have something for you"
Jungkook said, gaining Jimin's attention who was looking at him curiously.

"wait a minute"
He added as he rummaged into his pencil case and take out a black inked pilot pen.

He pulled the note book laying before Jimin and he draw a simple scrabble on a sticky notes before sticking it on a random page inside the note book and return the book to the omega. Jimin raised his eyebrows and look at the page before a smile slowly etched on his lips as he brought his small fists to hit the alpha on his chest lightly while the other hand was covering his blushing mess face, not wanting anyone to notice his crimson red face.

"you are silly hyung ah!"
Jimin said giggling at the smiling alpha who seemed proud.

"keep it in your heart or i won't talk to you forever because I'm mad"
Jungkook said as he keeps listening to the non stop giggling voice of the omega.

"Taehyung ah, let me copy your notes again as usual okay? make sure to write down everything the lecturer saying, thank you, i love you"
Yoongi mumbled sleepily, startling the said omega who began to blush.

"a-ah okay, no n-need to say like that you know? It was really embarrassing!"


I'm sorry for any mistakes!
this book will end in another ten chapter, maybe less or maybe more
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