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"I c-can't believe she d-died.. she has a d-daughter left behind, how can she survive without her mom? She must be sad"
Jimin sobbed, wiping his tears with his sweater paw

Jungkook sighed as he tossed the now empty cups and bucket into a trashcan before he turned Jimin to face him. The omega was busy wiping his non stop tears causing Jungkook want to pinch his cheeks badly.

"Jimin.. it's just a movie, nothing is real"
Jungkook said surprisingly gentle as if he caused Jimin a mental breakdown

But the omega cried because of the freaking movie!

"Let's get you some ice cream"
The alpha sighed before dragging Jimin to the nearest ice cream stall, the only thing can calm down this smaller

Jungkook swears he will never get tired of looking at Jimin stuffed his own mouth with his favorite vanilla ice cream. Even though his face was swollen because he was tired of crying because of fear and sadness while watching the movie earlier, Jungkook did not care. He felt Jimin's face look more cute and more adorable.

"you know, there's a tons of pretty omegas would like to hit on me but they are ugly when they cried because of my rejection"
Jungkook said hooking his face with his hand, grabbing Jimin's attention

"but I think you are beautiful when you cry"

Instead of being embarrassed by the compliment that Jungkook threw at him, Jimin accidentally choked on his vanilla ice cream and the spoon he was holding fell on the tiled floor.

Now he is really embarrassed

"I-i need to go to toilet"
With that Jimin quickly run to the nearby toilet, leaving Jeon Jungkook behind who was chasing him close while chuckling

The omega was about to speed up, trying to get rid of Jungkook because of the uncountable embarrassment right now. It seems that the floor that had just been mopped by the workers did not cooperate, Jimin slipped and lost his body balance.

How could he not realize the warning sign just now?

But wait,

Jimin did not feel any pain, or more precisely he did not touch the floor at all!

Then he slowly opened his eyes which he himself did not realize he was closing his eyes all this time only to meet with-


"Jimin are you alright?"
The older asked worriedly

The right hand of his placed on Jimin's small waist while the other one on his arm, supporting him from falling to the floor.

"y-yes I'm good"
He said, trying to get out from the Taemin's hold that started to cause him uncomfortable

"you may let go of him right now"
A deep harsh voice boomed behind them

Jimin startled by the sudden appearance of Jeon Jungkook who was tugging his hands into his jeans pocket, tongue poking his inner cheek in annoyance. Lee Taemin seemed against the idea.

"Jimin ssi, why is this guy always following you? Are you sure he is not dangerous?"
Taemin asked refusing to let him go

"He is m-my friend! We decided to hang out together, he isn't following me"
Jimin replied rather quickly

Without them realizing, Jungkook is making steps towards Jimin, holding his arm and pulling the poor omega away from Taemin's grip.

"Yea I'm his friend, the closest one"
Jungkook said faking a smile to him

"let's go baby, you must be tired right now. I promise I will take you to another amazing date next time"
He added but this time lacing his arm around Jimin's waist, holding him as close as possible

Jungkook tries to annoy Lee Taemin but apparently the man is still standing in his place with a blank face. Jimin is confused with his own feelings whether he should be angry with Jungkook for being rude to Taemin or embarrassed because Jungkook just called him baby.

"T-taemin sunbae, I think we w-will take our leave now"
The omega said and bit him goodbye

Then both of them leave him alone, watching Jungkook's arm still circling around Jimin's small waist silently. He waited for the couple to disappear from his eyesight before finally walking to another direction.

"I can't believe you let the so called senior to hold you like that"
Jungkook mumbled right after they settled inside the car

"He just helping"
Jimin said softly but he heard the alpha scoffed at his statement

Soon later, Jungkook parked his car at the parking lot of Taehyung's apartment building and instead of dropping Jimin off, he following the omega went into the apartment  with unamused look. Jimin was about to remove his shoes and wear his slippers but his phone vibrating inside his pocket.

A huge smile formed on his face and quickly the omega went to the couch, answering the video call from his best friend.

"hello there Jibooty"
Taehyung said giggling as he was laying on his stomach on the bed while eating some chips from the other side of the phone

"yah, did you just sexually harassed me?"
Jimin pouting looking at his friend who was still giggling mess

"why? are you gonna report this to Jungkook? I'm so scared"
Taehyung teased him with mouth full of chips

Then, the said alpha slowly standing behind the couch, where is Jimin sitting right now after returned from the kitchen to grab some water. Taehyung frowned when he saw Jungkook's presence behind his friend who didn't notice him yet.

"yah! why is the fucker in my house?"
He asked as Jungkook is drinking a whole bottle of mineral water while raising up his middle finger at him

Jimin grew curious and turn around and saw Jeon Jungkook already finished his water and tossed the bottle into the trashcan.

"we.. just hang out-"

"i will sleep here for awhile, if you afraid about some bills then claim the payment check from me"
Jungkook cut Jimin off, casually walk away to the other couch after speaking

"i don't care about bills just don't you dare to make some babies in my precious house"
Taehyung said loud enough for the alpha to hear him and rolled his eyes after that

"Kim Taehyung!"


Welp, I was busy reading ff yesterday until I forgot to update the extra
Silly me
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