Hearing this Ryan turned redder in embarrassment, he should have guessed, that Elena was beautiful, smart, confident, and a drama-free girl. He cursed himself now. "I'm sorry, Miss. James."

"It's fine, I think I should leave." Ryan nodded as Elena walk out of the room.

Ryan falls back on his chair, holding his head in his hands. "Fuck, what I did!"

Present, inside the care.

"What I did!" Ryan mumbled to himself.

"Sir?" His driver asked as he heard Ryan mumble something.

"Ah, nothing." He smiled sheepishly, again feeling embarrassed.

He would not lie that he felt jealous, there is something different about Elena that even when she doesn't give a fuck about him, he still found her attractive.

He never felt this much attractive to anyone, he remember when he caught feelings for a girl in his high school for the first time, even that wasn't this intense.

Now all he is doing was ignoring Elena, but even if he tries he had to get the report from her at the end of the day as Denial was busy with the upcoming album, so he didn't attend the office from the same day when Elena and Noah came in.

He cringe at his thoughts and decided to go to the club instead of going home, so he took out his phone and texted his friend first, the owner of one of the famous clubs in the city.

Ryan requests his driver to take him to the given address. Reaching there Ryan get down and went inside, the guards let him as they recognized him. Ryan straight up goes to the VIP area.

Jonathan Brown, the owner of the club met Ryan halfway, they did sit on the big couch and immediately the drinks were served. The glasses around the private area help to see the whole club and give them the privacy they need.

"So, what brought you here all of a sudden?" Jonathan questioned.

Ryan chuckled. "What? You don't like me being here?" He joked.

"Dude, you know what I mean!" Jonathan looked slightly concerned, from the look on Ryan's face he clearly look tired and overworked.

Ryan took a sip from his whisky, as he doesn't want to get a heavy hangover tomorrow. "Just a bunch of stuff. I'm just trying to clear my mind from all the activities."

"Activities huh?" Jonathan raised his brow.

"Yeah! The album about to come out in the next month and sudden deals of business me and Dad were working on, I barely get time for myself." Ryan answered honestly.

Jonathan nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I can see that. You look like shit!"

Ryan chuckled. "No need to remind me."

"So... What about Casey?" Jonathan wiggles his eyebrows.

Ryan immediately groaned. "Man, don't even start with that. I literally had to call her and apologize because of remorse. I still feel embarrassed about that." Ryan cringed, as recalled the incident three weeks ago when the media caught them.

Jonathan laughed throwing his head back. "But aren't you guys a thing?" He asked calming down a little bit.

"Not even a little bit."

"But what happened, all I know is that you guys were in a relationship through media, bro you can't hide things like this from me, I'm your friend." He pouted, sadly.

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