I want a church girl that go to church

Start from the beginning

I couldn't remember the exact name, but it wasn't important now.

"Im sorry we couldn't share more, ah! But right now I need to ask for the Lyre der Himmel back."

Freezing in place, my mind traced back to the last memory I had of the Lyre and its... condition.

Slowly removing myself from the hydro user, I quickly shuffled back to my place next to Aether, not saying a word.

'Oh yeah, im not going to be the one to tell her.'

I saw Barbara look at me in a confused manner, but didn't say anything.

"The Seneschal has been pressing me for a while now to get it back, and we cannot ask you to keep defending the Lyre forever now can we?"

Her happy-go-lucky tone didn't match the tense atmosphere, and no one wanted to be the first to speak.

Even Venti, who was the one responsible for the Lyre's current state, was up for leaving the task of explaining to someone else.

Thankfully though, Paimon was the first to nervously stutter out, "We uh... did bring it with us... umm, it's just... it's a little..."

Aether, who didn't give two shits about the following consequences proudly presented the Lyre in all its glory.

Battered and beaten, with even a few strings snapped and missing, the Lyre was held in his hands.

Cue the chaos.

Gasping loudly, Barbara backed away in utter shock and disbelief.

Paimon had brought her hands together with both her pointer fingers touching. A bashful, catlike face adorned her features as she looked away in embarrassment.

Venti rubbed his head in shame, knowing that he was the one who broke it and didn't want to open up to his mistake.

Meanwhile, I placed an open hand to my forehead, shielding my eyes like I was trying to block the sun and cringing as I grit my teeth.


As Barbara's scream echoed through the church, she fell to her knees and placed her hands in a praying motion.

'Hah, wait- was that how I looked-'

"Oh, Lord Barbatos, even if I atoned for these sins for the rest of my life, it would still not be enough."

Shaking her head as she looked to the sky for forgiveness(even though her god was standing right next to her), she held a distressed look of utter disappointment.

I couldn't stand seeing Barbara sad like this, so I quickly grabbed the Lyre and turned to Venti who was already looking at me.

Shoving it to his chest with both hands, I put on my best scary face. "Fix it."


Using his weird voodoo powers, Venti held the Lyre until it began to float in the air. A familiar blue glow emitted from the magical instrument as it began welding itself back into its original form.

I was... actually kidding, and didn't expect him to fix it just like that.

"Wha- why didn't you do that before-"

"The Holy Lyre!" Barbara yelped in wonder as she ran up to Venti and snatched the instrument from his hands. She hugged it tightly within her arms as if she would never hold it again. "B-but how?"

She wasn't the only one curious about the Lyre's rejuvenation.

"Woah! Let Paimon see!"

Acting quickly, Barbara hid the Lyre by turning away from our little emergency food. "No! I don't know how you managed to fix it, but you'll never touch the Lyre again!"

With that, she dashed into the open spiral staircase that led to the Lyre's holding place.

Venti turned to us in a hurried manner.
"We uh- really should get going."

Our confused looks prompted him to keep going.

Placing an arm across his chest, he paced around and wagged his finger.
"The trick I used to 'repair' the holy lyre, hehe I meant the magic I used, isn't going to last forever ya know."

Finishing his sentence by leaning towards us in a teasing way, we all backed away in shock.


"No way!"



Tipping his beret, Venti winked at us and rushed straight for the exit.
Taking that as a go-to follow him, Aether, Paimon, and I went after him.

✧・゚:* ♡ *:・゚✧

"Why world. Why make me run. Why must you hurt me this way."

"Not even 5 seconds (y/n)-"

Opening the doors of the Cathedral to catch up with Venti, we were just in time to see two agents about to jump the green dressed bard with violent intent.

Not even thinking, my reflexes allowed me to summon a wall of branches between Venti and the agents.

Aether followed my lead and we managed to push them a safe distance away.

Poor Venti, who didn't notice them at first, stood there spooked.

Getting ready to battle the agents, we went ahead and ran after them, but a snap was heard and icy wind blew from behind us.

Turning to the noise, we couldn't see much of what was happening, though I caught a glimpse of Paimon being frozen in a block of ice, which I would have found hilarious were it not for the situation we were in.

The two agents we had pushed away came up from behind us, tackling Aether and me to the ground.

So much was happening without any time to process, I was starting to get dizzy of all the twists and turns.

That is until the clacking of heels caught our attention.

Being held down didn't allow me to move much, but I managed to see who was the cause of those loud footsteps and...

'You know what. Im already on the floor. Might as well let it happen.'


✧・゚:* Word Count: 1492 *:・゚✧

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