Chapter 33

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Last Night in Argentina: Semi's POV

"Hey, Semi." I looked over at Kuroo while I was finishing packing up my things. All of us were finally done and allowed to go back home. Oikawa lived here so he and Iwaizumi just returned to their home. The rest of us lived elsewhere so we were preparing for a flight home. 

"Want to give you this." He said, walking over and handing me a stuffed cat.

"Uh. Thanks?"

"Well, for Eri." Kuroo said. I laughed and nodded as I carefully tucked the stuffed cat into my bag.

"Thanks. I'm sure she'll love it. Where's Kenma?"

"He's still packing."

"Oh alright. Well, I know we're getting on different flights. So, tell him I said goodbye and thanks again."

"I will. Good luck when you get back." Kuroo said, giving me a wink and walking off. I smiled and rolled my eyes before dragging my bags with me outside and to the car. The driver dropped me off at the airport, and I sighed as I got prepared for another long ass flight. But it'd be worth it to get back home and see Shirabu and Eri.

A bit over a day later: Shirabu's POV

I giggled as Eri clung onto me. She was probably a bit spooked by all the people and noise of an airport. 

"Aw, it's okay baby girl. We're waiting for your daddy to come home today!" I said happily. I've been calling Semi as many days out of the week as I could for all the months he's been gone. And every single call, I'd make sure that Eri got to see him since she seemed to like him. 

It greatly surprised me, but, Semi actually admitted he missed Eri. I had asked if he was serious, and he told me that he kinda missed seeing her. Even though I was surprised as heck, I was so relieved to hear that.. Maybe that means Semi won't be so, I guess "upset", about having a baby around.

I gently bounced Eri to try and keep her occupied while also keeping a close eye out for Semi. I miss him so.. so so so much. We've seen each other a lot over video calls, but it just wasn't the same as getting to see him in person. If I don't spot him soon, I'm gonna start getting antsy.

After about an agonizing 20 minutes, I spotted Semi. I smiled widely, only able to use one arm to wave at him. When Semi saw me, he smiled and rushed over, dropping his bags when he reached me and grabbed me and Eri in his arms. Eri started smiling and laughing.

"Semi.. I missed you so much..!" I said, trying to not cry. Semi nodded, kissing the top of my head. I didn't even care if people saw. I missed him too much to care. 

"I missed you too baby boy... Hi Eri, how's our baby girl doing?" Semi said in a baby voice, carefully taking Eri from me. It was strange seeing Semi like this honestly. The last time he had to hold Eri, he wasn't mean or anything. He mostly just stood still with her, but here he was now. Holding her close and giving her cheek a little kiss which made her just beam with happiness.

"Gee Semi, it's so odd seeing you like this."

"What can I say, she did end up stealing my heart while I was away." He said, giving her back to me. I laughed and nodded as we both quickly left the airport and went back home. Semi took all the bags to our room and said he'd unpack them later. I don't blame him, he must be exhausted. A flight that lasts a little over a day would tire anyone out.

"You must be tired Semi.. Why don't you take a nap?" I suggested, Semi looking ready to pass out anyway. Before he climbed into the bed, he gave me a deep kiss, one that wouldn't exactly be acceptable in public. My face turned red since I haven't been kissed like that since, well, he left. Semi smirked a little at my flustered face but then gave in and fell asleep once he was under the covers.

I smiled and shook my head, taking Eri downstairs. She's grown so fast. She still hasn't said any full words, only little bits of them. But she's starting to learn to walk a bit, with help of course. But I'm able to hold her little hands while she toddles about. I had recorded and sent a video of it to Semi, and he said he was really proud of her. As was I.

While waiting for Semi to wake up, which I knew wouldn't be for a few hours, I sat with Eri an pulled out one of her more recently favorite toys. It was one of those little boxes with different colored and shaped holes that you have to match the block to fit it in. I tried to avoid laughing when Eri kept trying to smash the star shaped cutout into the circle one, but eventually she got it and moved on.

Eri smiled happily at me when I applauded playfully to cheer her one. She had a good time doing the little puzzle one more time before getting bored and moving on to the other toys I had bought, and was gifted. My dad and his girlfriend had actually bought a lot of these toys for Eri, and I was surprised. I tried to tell them that there was no need for them to spend so much money, but they kept insisting.

My dad said that they were staying down here until Semi returned. Plus, they were on a "vacation" together, which was true. They were spending time together at some of the nicer places around here, but there were times they'd come over to help take care of Eri for me when I'd get too tired some days. 

They planned on heading back home soon, but my dad and Akari wanted to meet Semi. Well, my dad has already met Semi but Akari wanted to meet him. And I'd have to ask Semi if he was alright with it, but, it was fine with me. But I'll bother him about that when he's actually awake.

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