Chapter 5

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Smut in this chapter

Shirabu's POV

I feel like I'm gonna die of embarrassment- Semi and I were back at my place. And I seriously agreed- calm down calm down calm down. I am the one who agreed to take this role in the show and I knew there was sex scenes... But I'm still freaking out!

"Hey, calm down I can feel you freaking out and all we've done is sit on your bed." Semi said to me. I huffed, furrowing my brows at him.

"S-shut up! I just.. it's... gonna be my first time, okay..?"


"Yeah really."

"Huh. Good thing that we're doing it beforehand then."

"Have you ever had to film adult scenes in any movies or anything, Semi..?"

"No, not even kissing so, don't worry." He said with a small smile. I nodded, feeling a little relieved. At least he and I would both be new to doing this on camera. I would just be new to this in general. People had contacted me about the scene and said I'd have time to prepare myself for the scene prior to it happening. But, honestly, I had almost no idea how I would even do that.

"You sure you wanna keep going? We can practice this another time." Semi said, disturbing my thoughts. I shook my head and took in a deep breath.

"No. It's fine, we can do it." I said, Semi nodding and giving me another kiss. The kiss scene wasn't so bad, I was expecting a lot worse. Not that I did particularly good though.. but, Semi did have me "practice" the kiss and that's when it finally proved to be usable footage... 

Semi put his hand behind my back and lowered us back onto the bed. He was overtop of me, kissing me deeper than we had earlier. My face felt like it was burning, but I was enjoying this a lot... I've never had to do things like this before, but I was enjoying it.

When I was little, never would I have imagined I'd be doing this. Or that I'd be losing my virginity all because of my job. But I had nothing else to lose I felt. And I guess that if I had to have, basically a coworker do it to me, Semi was as good as it was gonna get...

When Semi pulled away, he almost talked me through what to do while he was taking our clothes off. It was weird, like I was being instructed how to do all of this, but it was necessary. And better than having to be told in front of the entire film crew..

The crew was pretty big, and all of them were nice. But it'd still be more embarrassing if all of them suddenly knew I had no idea what the heck I was doing. Hopefully Semi would keep this a secret.

"Do you have any lube?"


"Of course not. Here, I have some." He said, reaching down and grabbing his pants off the floor and pulling out a tiny bottle and some condoms. I watched, feeling anxious a bit from nerves.

"You're clean right?"


"Alright. I am too, but we'll still use protection. Plus, these kind have a gel over them to make it easier." He said, opening one of the condom packs and putting it over two of his fingers. He let me feel the latex covering, and it was kinda, almost slimy. 

I looked up at Semi and jolted when his fingers prodded at my entrance. He gave me one of his hands to hold while he slipped the two fingers in. Ugh, I had no idea what I was expecting but it wasn't this. Wait, what if the faces I make are ugly-

Semi's POV

...He looked really cute like this... I kept my eyes on Shirabu's face as I slowly slid my fingers in deeper until it was about knuckles deep. Shirabu squeezed the hand I gave him to hold as I kept my other hand still.

"..You, doing okay so far?"

"Uh huh.. it just feels, strange." He mumbled while blushing like mad. Fuck. I don't think I've ever been this turned on by even my own previous boyfriends... Yet here I was with this, well, I guess acquaintance, and I was already almost at my limit just from looking at him.

Shirabu made the cutest noises. It almost made me angry. We'd have to be filmed and I can't imagine the noises he'd make when actually having sex... and literally anyone (over 18) could buy or rent the series to watch it. They'd all get to see this. I huffed and took in a deep breath. It was just, part of our jobs.

"W-wait, d-don't touch there!" Shirabu cried out when my fingers grazed over his prostate.

"Does it hurt?"

"No, it feels weird-!"

"It's supposed to make you feel good, stupid." I grumbled, continuing to rub that spot. Eventually, Shirabu looked less in pain and started looking like it felt good now. So, I discarded the condom I was preparing him with and opened another.

"You ready??" I asked, Shirabu nodding. I slowly slid myself into him, and fuck did I feel like I was going to come right away. 

"E-Eita..!" Shirabu whined when I was fully in. He whimpered, reaching his arms up for me. I took in a deep breath through my nose to calm myself down before leaning down and letting him throw his arms around my neck.

I could feel his nails lightly grazing against the skin of my back. I know that he and I should really be "flawless" for filming, but I hope he leaves scratches. 

"Are you alright..?"

"Y..yeah. You can move." He moaned quietly as I started rocking my hips. It felt crazy amazing, better than it ever has before.. Shirabu seemed to be enjoying it now based on all the noises he was making, and he was definitely going to leave scratches on my back.

We ended up going for two rounds. I hope he can walk tomorrow on set, or we're gonna be in some trouble... Shirabu definitely looked fucked out. 

"Are you okay? Was that too much..?"

"..No..." He mumbled half asleep. I smiled slightly and picked him up. It took me a while to figure out how to work his bath but eventually I got it and made sure we were both well cleaned. Shirabu ended up passing out on me as soon as we were out of the bath.

Gee, I hope he doesn't pass out like this on set in a few weeks. Luckily he was really light so I could hold him while changing the extra bedding I found in the linen closet. I did notice he was a bit thin, almost too thin, but maybe that's just how he was naturally. 

I laid us both in the bed, Shirabu just collapsed on top of me asleep. I was pretty tired too. It's honestly been a while since I've done that, and for some reason, Shirabu had me more worked up than I've ever been. Well, tonight's "practice" was out of the way. I kinda hope we can practice for this more often.

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