Chapter 2

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Semi's POV

When I woke up, I received an email saying that before filming got too far in, a small channel asked for an interview from the cast and our directors accepted it. So I was given a location to go to and meet up with whoever these people would be. 

I made sure that I looked nice before heading out. Shirabu was there, but he was almost kinda hiding in the corner of the room while the camera, microphone, and interviewer were setting up. Once the young woman told us to come on over and sit down, she checked our mics and started.

"Hi everyone welcome back to the Rising Stars channel. Today, I am with Eita Semi and Kenjiro Shirabu. How are you guys doing!" The lady said, Shirabu and I smiling.

"We're doing well, thanks for having us."

"Well thank you for attending. Now, I know that the makings of this series are still brand new, but from the concept work and interviews with the writers, everyone is very excited. How are you both finding this?"

"It's very exciting getting to work with a great crew, everyone has been great to work with and we're both looking forward to this, yeah?" I said, nudging Shirabu who smiled and nodded in agreement. The woman smiled and nodded before looking at us both.

"We'll all be looking forward to that first season! Now, you two, have you ever done any other works with each other before?"

"No, we actually just met yesterday."

"Do you think that the lack of personal connection with each other will affect anything?"

"I don't think so. We get along well." I said with a smile, Shirabu laughing faintly and saying he agreed. After a while longer of questions and goofing off a bit which was actually quite fun, the woman thanked us and her and the mini crew cleaned up. I grabbed Shirabu's arm and pulled him out of the little room.

"Hey, why were you so quiet in there? I had to do so much of the talking. You looked stiff as a board." I said, Shirabu looking away with a small huff.

"...Uh, it's a silly reason, really."

"Well, like you said, if we're going to work with each other, we should get to know each other. So I'd like to know why you made me do all the talking for us."

"...I was anxious.."

"Seriously? You're an actor."

"I know, but, I've always had anxiety. I like acting, I really do, but the interviews or the thought of too many cameras in my face make me anxious..!"

Was he serious? He went through the struggle of drama school and auditions just to have too much anxiety over cameras? He should've known that this would be a big part of the job.

"Why did you become an actor then?" 

Shirabu's POV

Hah, I've been asked that sooooo many times. Normally, I didn't have to deal with a lot of questioning just because I wasn't any kind of big-time actor. But the few times I did, I was normally fine because I had some medications to calm me down. 

But the place was so far by foot, that I had to leave early and I was in a rush and everything was crazy in my head so I didn't have time to find any medications and take it.

"Well, like I said, I like acting and it's always been what I wanted to do."

"But you- you know what, never mind. Come on, we need to head to the "school" for the next scene. I'll drive you if you need." Semi offered. I smiled slightly and accepted the offer.

"Thanks.. um, you go ahead to the car I'll come find you... okay?" I said, Semi nodding and walking off. Once he was gone, I wandered off and found a bathroom. Thankfully it was empty. I wandered into a stall and sat on the ground, starting to cry.

I wasn't sad, or upset or anything. But when my nerves got too much or I felt overwhelmed, sometimes I couldn't stop myself from crying. I guess thanks to acting school I could control it for a bit, but eventually it'd happen. Maybe I shouldn't have become an actor. My parents never wanted me too anyways, they said I'd never make it big. And they were probably right.

"Hey Shirabu, where are you it's been 10 minutes!" I heard Semi shout after a while. Oops... I had no idea that it's been so long. I mumbled quietly an apology, Semi walking over. I didn't bother locking the stall door, so it swung open when he knocked on it.

"Hey... what's wrong?" Semi asked as he kneeled down next to me. 

"Sorry.. Come on let's go."

"Not till you tell me what you're doing in here crying." 

"I just, it's stupid, again."

"Enlighten me."

"I just, I feel too overwhelmed."

"From the interview?" 

"Sort of.. Normally, I uh, I'm alright for those kind of things. But this morning was an absolute mess for me.. and I was rushed and I just-" I rambled, Semi sighing and pulling me into a hug.

"Hey it's alright. We all have some really bad days." Semi said quietly. I sniffed and grabbed onto him. I felt a little better, so I pulled away slightly.

"Sorry about all this.."

"Don't be. Hey, I'll tell you something if it makes you feel better."


"I don't like the interviews and camera flashes either."

"You don't?"

"No. Not at all. But tell anyone and I'll deny it." Semi said, making me laugh. We both got up and he grabbed my hand. He pulled some paper towels and soaked them with cold water before putting them to my eyes.

"H-hey that's cold what are you doing..!"

"It'll help reduce the swelling and redness from crying. We don't need the makeup artists thinking you were doing anything weird." He said. He has a point. After he said my face looked mostly normal, we headed out to his car. While he was starting it up, I glanced at him.




"No problem. Don't worry, we'll get through each episode together." 

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