Chapter 26

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Semi's POV
Well. It was night two of three. I had to admit, Shirabu has handled the kids well and both seemed to like him. Plus, there were no meltdowns from either him or the kids. So that's always a positive.

I smiled faintly as I looked down at the three who were fast asleep. Shirabu was on his back with the baby boy on his chest. The baby's head was resting where he could hear breathing and a heartbeat. The little girl was curled up into Shirabu's side comfortably. And Shirabu had his hand gently resting on the baby's back and his other arm around the girl. Guess he could handle this alright.

I left the bedroom and down to the couch. There was technically enough room on the bed, but I didn't want to cramp Shirabu or the kids. Tendou, well, Satori Ushijima now, has texted me every single night and morning to make sure that his kids were okay. And tonight was gonna be no different.

Tendou: hey

Me: hi

Tendou: how're the kids doing??? Everything going okay?

I smiled slightly and dragged myself back upstairs. I took a photo of Shirabu cuddling and sleeping with both kids on him before sending it to Satori. Satori was a lot more overprotective and worried about his kids than I thought. It isn't like I thought he was a careless dad or anything, I just had no idea he'd be so worried.

Me: both are fine. Sound asleep, no issues

Tendou: were they both fed?

Me: yes. I watched and ate when Shirabu made spaghetti for us, and he mixed and warmed the formula and fed the baby

Tendou: changed?

Me: yes

Tendou: bedtime story?

Me: Yes, 3 of them

Tendou: any tantrums??

Me: minor one earlier at the store, but Shirabu handled it well

Tendou: okay. I'll leave you alone now. Goodnight

I set my phone aside, chuckling to myself over his overworked worries. While I laid there, I looked up at the ceiling. If Shirabu wants to have a kid, fine, I've accepted that. Kinda. But, what was he going to do about work?

There's actors and actresses who have families and children, so it was possible, but the ones who had kids were well known and had plenty of money to hire babysitters, or had husbands and wives to watch the kids, or they could just afford to take the time off.

Shirabu and I were still only smaller tier actors. And with that one show ending, or at least I think it's ending, we'd have to find more roles to audition for. I had hoped that series would continue. And it still might. The director said he thinks it could be the last season unless the second season does remarkable well. And it was still under editing so it'd be only a few more days until people could watch and rate it.

If there is a decided third season, I hope Shirabu agrees to come and film for it. He could bring a kid to the set, I guess. I mean that one girl did, but she was also able to take care of the kid the whole time she was working. Shirabu would be busy.

Maybe one of the crew could do it?? Ahh, I don't know. But, that's something to figure out if there is even going to be a continued show. So, I tried shoving that stuff aside and decided I would talk it over with Shirabu once the kids were gone.

2 More Days Later: Shirabu's POV
I was really sad to see those two go. I mean I was glad they were back with their dads, but I loved having them around. Especially that little baby boy. I'm just thankful that Satori and Wakatoshi didn't kill me, and even said they'd consider letting me babysit again.

After the kids had been picked up by their parents and all their things were gone, Semi walked over and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"So. How was being a dad for a few days?"

"I really liked it... and I think I did a decent job."

"You did better than I expected, honestly."

"Hey, what is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, nothing. Hey Shirabu?"

"Uh huh?"

"Have you thought about what to do for work once, or if, you have a kid?"

"Well, I'm sure I can find something."

"I am too. But won't it be difficult taking them to work with you?"

"Maybe, but I already knew that."

"Mm, alright. Hey, if they do make a third season of that show, would you go back to it?"

"Of course I would. It pays well and I like being in it." I said with a small smile, turning my head and kissing Semi's cheek. I knew he was worried about my sudden decision. But there was no going back on this. Not that I would anyway. Semi nodded quietly, holding me close as I leaned into his chest.

I wasn't particularly worried about myself. But. Now that Semi brings it up, I have been worried about one thing. Something I've been kinda worried about for a while.

"...Hey Semi?"


"Uhm. If there isn't a third season of that show, and say you did get a part, but it meant that you would have to travel really far away for a really long time... you'd still come home to me, right?"

"Oh baby boy, of course I would. Even if I had to be gone for a year, I promise that I would come home to you. I love you."

"I love you too. And, I'd do the same for you. Though, I don't think I'll be traveling if I have a kid. I think it's be better for them to be in a single and stable environment for a while."

"I understand. Shirabu, you really do have the kindest heart of anyone I've ever met."

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