Chapter 21

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Couple of Weeks Time Skip: Shirabu's POV

I was sad that my dad had to go back home. I'd miss him, but, it was incredible to see him for so long and to get to talk to him. The last time this happened was my last year of college when I had finally found a way to get in contact with him and I got to stay with him for a holiday break. 

On the flip side, I was more than thankful my mom was gone as well.. Arata had left me his number and said if I need, I can call him. I was thankful for him too. I didn't exactly get to talk to him while he was here since, well, he stayed with my mom, but it was nice the few times I had met him. He seemed nice. Makes me wonder how on earth my mom tricked him so well.

"Baby, ready to go??"

"Oh, yeah I'm coming!" I said, finishing brushing my hair and rushing down the stairs. Semi smiled faintly at me, ruffling my hair which just messed it up, but that was okay. Today was the last day of filming for the second season, and everything was going well. The interviews about it sucked but Semi was by me each time. In all this time though, we've kept our relationship a secret.

I told Semi I didn't mind if he wanted to let others know, but he would just brush that off. It made me happy. I think he knew that I was still slightly uneasy about the thought of any public knowing, so he never said a word about it and just said he didn't mind either. So, only thing we ever did if we were in public would be hold hands. Which, granted, did bring up a little bit of drama but we never commented on it. 

We got in the car and put our seatbelts on. Semi glancing over at me and smiling faintly.

"Hey, deep breath. Nothing to worry about." He said. I huffed, placing my hands on the wheel and starting the car. This isn't the first time I've driven before... It was the fifth. But it still made me nervous. I never learned how to drive, my mom never taught me or took me to learn. She told me I'd just be bad at it and I would cause a wreck and kill someone. The thought of that scared me so much that I never bothered learning to drive ever.

But, last week, Semi found out and said he'd show me. It was horrifying but at least we were in an empty lot at first. Driving on the roads was a lot scarier, but, I haven't killed us yet so I'll take that as a positive. Semi seemed calm and trusted me as I drove us to where we needed to go for the day. And I managed to get us there without crashing!

"Good job baby." Semi said, patting my hand as we both climbed out. I giggled before heading with him to the set where we got busy for the day. The second season was more fun to shoot than the first. But I think that was more fun because I was in love with Semi so it made it easier and more fun to do the silly little romantic scenes. 

"There the two lovebirds are." The director said. He didn't know we were dating, but he's been calling us 'lovebirds' since we began since our characters. Semi and I greeted him politely as he hummed.

"You know, it pains me to say, this might be the last season of this show. I know, only 2, but it happens." He explained. Semi and I didn't really mind. I mean it was nice and we enjoyed working with the people here, but, hopefully we could find other means of work. While we were waiting to get started, one of the crew assistants ran over with a kid in her arms.

"Ah! I'm SO SORRY!"

"Why are you late? And where did that baby come from..?" 

"My sister last minute got ill and she had to call me to watch her kid because she couldn't and her babysitter wasn't feeling well either and her husband well you know he has-"

"Okay.. okay I get it- please just keep the kid out of the way." The director said, the assistant nodding as she held the kid in one arm and did what she could with the other. I smiled, pulling on Semi's sleeve.

"Look, isn't she cute?"

"The lighting assistant??"

"No, the kid!" I said, Semi laughing faintly and nodding.

"Yeah, kid is cute." He said before we were told to get in places. After the filming and we had a bit of a break, I moved away from Semi and over to the girl who was carrying around the kid.


"Huh? Oh, hello Shirabu. I hope I didn't keep anyone waiting or anything cause of my lateness."

"Oh, no don't worry about that. Who's this little one?"

"Her name's Yuna."

"Aw, can I hold her??" I asked, the girl nodding and telling me how to hold the little one properly. I did as she instructed before actually being handed the kid. 

"Be careful-"

"I will. How old is she?"

"3." My heart melted as I looked at the little girl in my arms. She just was quietly hanging onto me while suckling on a pacifier. She was so cute.. And she was so tiny too. I giggled as Yuna looked around at everything with curiosity and innocence. I didn't want to give her back, but eventually I had to. I said goodbye to Yuna with a smile before returning to Semi.

"You hold the kid?"


"Hey, you okay Shirabu?"

"Semi, I want a baby." 

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