Chapter 13

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Next Day: Shirabu's POV

Semi stayed with me again last night but he had left just a bit ago to get changed for that interview thing tonight. He said he'd come pick me up in time to get there, so I didn't have much to do. I sighed, leaning against the counter. I was already changed and showered, so it was really just to wait. While I was eating one of the muffins we made last night, there was a knock.

Hm? That shouldn't be Semi yet. I set the food down and wandered over to the door, peaking outside before laughing. When I swung the door open, I saw my dad.

"Dad, what on earth are you doing here?" 

"I had been planning to come visit you!"

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming? You live all the way on the other side of the country." I said, welcoming him inside. He smiled faintly and shrugged as I took his jacket for him.

I was glad he was here don't get me wrong, I was just surprised. After he and my mom got divorced, I wasn't even allowed to have contact with him. Or if I was, it was like a phone call a year for Christmas. My mom hates him, and I never understood why. After I became an adult, I found where he lived and went to see him.

But I couldn't stay with him because of school. He was never mean to me like my mom and stepdad. But since I never, ever really got to see him, we didn't talk much aside from a phone call. But even with such small contact, I was closer with him than I ever was or will be with my mom and stepdad.

"So, how was the trip dad? Did you drive??"

"Yep, better than those airlines."

"Sure, dad."

"So, you made that muffin recipe huh? How'd they turn out?"

"They're good, you want one?" I offered, my dad accepting the offer and following me to the kitchen. He ate one of the muffins, glancing at it with a smile.

"Hey they are good. And you made them correctly. I remember when you were just a tiny thing and you tried to help me make them, flour. Everywhere." My dad said with a smile. I smiled slightly with an embarrassed look.

"Oh. Uh, that still kinda happened." I admitted, my dad chuckling.

"I figured. So, how have things been going for you? I saw that first season you were in."

"You- you did??"


"....Did you see-"

"That sex scene? Yeah."

"Oh my god dad.."

"So, was it actual insertion?"



"....Please stop." I said with a red face, my dad laughing and giving me a hug.

"Sorry Kenjiro. That guy who was with you in the show, uhhh, what's his name..."


"Yeah! Semi, you two get along on set and stuff?"

"Oh, yeah, we got along well. More than just well. He and I uh, are dating." I said with a small smile. I didn't want anyone to know, but I trust my dad.

"Oh you are??"

"Mhm.. He and I are actually have an interview to do tonight. So, he'll be over."

"Could I meet him?"

"Of course you can, dad. But please don't tell anyone about us, I want to keep it a bit of a secret."

"Of course son. I'm just happy that you found someone."

"Me too. Uh, you got all your things in the car right? Why don't I help you bring them in."

"No need, I'll be staying in a motel for a few weeks while I'm here."

"Dad, you don't need to pay for that, you know that you can stay here."

"Oh I'm not paying for anything, I know the person who owns it so I get to stay free." My dad explained. I blinked a few times but decided not to ask and just visit with him until Semi arrived. My dad stayed in the kitchen while I got the door.

"Hey, who's car is that in the driveway??"

"That's my dad's car."

"Your dad's?"

"Mhm. He made a little surprise visit apparently. He wants to meet you." I said, grabbing Semi's hand and pulling him inside. I pulled him over to my dad who smiled politely.

"Hello, you must be Semi."

"Yes, nice to meet you, sir."

"So you're the young man who was my son's first!" My dad said, catching Semi off guard who looked ready to laugh. I whined, burying my face into my hands.

"Dad, please."

"Sorry sorry."

"We should get going for that interview.."

"When will it be over?"

"We'll probably be back here by 10."


"Yeah, you can head to your motel and come see us in the morning. I'm sure you're tired." I said with a small smile, my dad nodding.

"Yeah I am a little tired after all that driving. Okay. You two be safe, Mind if I stay behind a bit? I'll lock up behind you guys."My dad said. I nodded and gave him a hug goodbye before heading into Semi's car.

"So, your dad seems nice."

"He is. He's a little, mm, over the top. But he always means well." I said with a smile, Semi nodding. We headed out and went to the interview, and this time I was pretty ready so it wasn't nearly as bad. We got some questions, including embarrassing ones like if that scene was our first time. Or if we were dating, how we think it went, etc.

I was right and we ended up getting out of there around 10. Even though I kept myself together this time, I still had those nerves from the interview, so Semi stayed with me again. When we got home, I made sure my dad was at the motel safely before we headed to bed.

Semi was slipping his shirt off to sleep while I climbed into the bed. Huh? There was something underneath the pillows. Semi wandered over as I pulled the pillow up. When I saw what was under it, I thought I was gonna die of embarrassment.

On the mattress was a pack of condoms and a note from my dad that said to "use protection". Semi burst out laughing as he picked up the packets.

"I like your dad."

"...I can't believe he-"

"Hey Shirabuuuu."


"Your dad gave us such a generous gift. It'd be a shame to not use it."

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