Chapter 3

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Shirabu's POV

The day was pretty much over. The day wasn't so bad after that interview from this morning was over with. Semi offered to take me home, and I'd be more than happy to accept that offer. I was pretty tired. 

While we sat in the car and Semi was driving, I watched out the window quietly.

"Hey Shirabu?"


"So, why did you become an actor, really? I mean, surely you knew that stuff like cameras and interviews would be a big part of it all if you made it big."

"It was always just something I wanted to do.. despite the anxiety I have over some of it."

"Well, maybe you should think about seeing like, a doctor or something about this."

"..I have."

"You have?"

"Yeah.. I have anxiety medications. But I didn't have the time this morning to take them. So, that's why I..."

"You should carry them around with you or something for last minute interviews or anything like this then." Semi said. I shrugged slightly while looking out the window. He has a point actually. That was a good idea, I'll think about that when I get home.

Once we arrived at my place, Semi glanced out the window at my home. It wasn't big, but it wasn't exactly small either.

"You know, your home looks pretty big. I didn't ask last time. Do you live with anyone?"

"Huh? Oh, no I live alone. Who else would I live with??"

"Well any girlfriends or boyfriends, siblings, I don't know."

"Oh, no. I don't have any siblings and I don't have a boyfriend." I said with a small laugh. It was relatively obvious that I was gay if I was "staring" in a gay romance series. Even then, I haven't really found anyone. 

"Oh, I see. Well, I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"Yeah, thanks for the ride Semi."

"Sure. Hey why don't you drive yourself? I see a car over there." 

"Oh, I just prefer walking."

"Oh, alright..? Well, have a goodnight." Semi said to me as I climbed out of the car. Before I shut the door, he called out to me.

"Hey wait."


"Here's my number. If you need anything or something, you can call or whatever." Semi said, handing me a piece of paper with his number. I smiled slightly and took the paper before laughing.

"Thanks. I'll see you tomorrow."

Semi's POV

After I saw Shirabu walk inside, I headed off back towards my place. It was a bit surprising to see Shirabu crying earlier this morning. I guess I understood. Maybe he felt really pressured by all this. In school, I knew that there other students who were really pressured by this.

I was never really like that honestly. I liked the attention. I wasn't lying when I said that I wasn't a huge fan of flashy cameras or interviews, but not for anxiety reasons. Shirabu was a bit of a mystery to me. For the series, we had to travel all over for different shoots. 

The series was a typical romance; two guys meet each other, there's something that tries to keep them apart, but they overcome it the end. At least that's what I was told. But more professionally. 

And with the plot, we have to go to different locations and parks and buildings, and not all of them were close. So surely he would prefer to drive sometimes. Not that I minded driving him if he needed, I guess. He surprisingly wasn't far from where I live so it wasn't so bad.

Once I was back home, I showered and changed. I grabbed something to eat while pacing around the kitchen. The caterers were nice and the food was fine, but the things they'd serve wasn't as good as an actual meal.

While I was eating, my phone buzzed. 

Unknown: Hey Semi. It's Shirabu

Me: Oh hey, is something wrong?

Shirabu: No. I was wondering if you would be willing to pick me up tomorrow...? We have to go to a park for tomorrow and it'd be over an hour walk for me

Me: Sure. Your car out of order?

Shirabu: Yeah, I need to get it fixed. I haven't used it in so long that it won't run anymore

Me: You should get that checked out

Shirabu: I will

Me: Well I'll come pick you up at 6, okay?

Shirabu: Thanks. Sorry for bothering you

Me: No bother. See you in the morning

I sighed and set my phone aside, finishing up my meal before cleaning up and heading to bed. Why hasn't Shirabu used his car is so long? It would have to be quite a while for the car to not even run anymore. Well, whatever. I don't mind.

In the morning, I got my things done before heading back to Shirabu's. When I got there, I texted him to let him know I was here, but he didn't answer. After waiting for a while more, I just got out and went over to the door. 

"Hey, Shirabu! We'll be late if you don't hurry." I said, knocking on the door. A few moments passed, and nothing. So I used the doorbell. But still no answer.

"...Shirabu??" I called out, a bit concerned. Maybe he just wasn't awake yet?? I tried ringing it a few more times to try and wake him up, and finally the door opened.

"..S-sorry." Shirabu mumbled. He looked like a mess.

"Hey what happened, you just wake up?"

"..Yeah. Sorry, come on let's get going." He said, fixing his hair before stepping outside with me. I furrowed my brows slightly but had no time to argue or we really would be late. 

I watched Shirabu climb in the car and sit down. He rested his head against the back of the headrest and closed his eyes. Well, maybe he went to bed really late. I just shrugged and started the drive to where we'd be going today. He better have been awake long enough to brush his teeth. We had to do a kiss scene today.

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