Chapter 29

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Week later: Semi's POV
"I promise I'll let you know once I'm there. Okay?"

" better." Shirabu mumbled to me. He hung onto me with one arm, holding Eri tightly in the other. I gave my boyfriend a deep kiss goodbye before gently booping Eri's nose as a goodbye.

I hated to leave Shirabu for so long, but I'd be back after the filming was done. And I told him I'd be sure to call him when I would finish for the day to check in on him.

After a long and tiring flight, I arrived. The agency for the filming company had contacted me a few days prior to tell me what was going on. And once o got there, a young woman was there to pick me up from the airport and take me to the hotel I'd have to stay at.

When I went to my room, I found a box on the bed with my name on it. I wandered over and opened it to see the scripts and location information in it. I spent a bit of time flipping through them before grabbing my phone and letting Shirabu know I was okay.

I was busy messaging Shirabu when there were some knocks at the door. I sighed, getting up and opening it. Only to have a young man fling the door open with a smile.


"Hi.. hey, I know you..!"

"Of course you do, I've been in well over a dozen critically acclaimed films."

"Yeah, uhm... nice to meet you, Mr. Oikawa."

"Please just call me Oikawa. You're Semi, right?"


"I saw that show you were in. I liked it, look forward to working with you. I just came by to-"

"Oikawa." Oikawa was interrupted by another man. We both looked over at him as Oikawa smiled and rested his arm on the guy's shoulder.

"Oh, Semi. This is Iwaizumi. He's my "security"."

"Ah.. nice to meet you, Iwaizumi." I said politely. Iwaizumi nodded at me before placing his hand on the lower part of Oikawa's back.

"Let's go back to the room." He said simply, Oikawa sighing.

"Alright alright. Well, I guess we'll be seeing each other often!" He said while turning around and waving his hand. I watched the two walk off down the hallway before smiling slightly to myself. He seems interesting. Different than he acts in the films he's been in.

I went back into my room and went back to talking to Shirabu. It wasn't long until he told me to sleep and that he'd talk to me tomorrow.

Shirabu's POV
I put my phone down and looked up at the ceiling. It felt so weird without Semi here with me. But at least I knew for sure he had gotten there safely. I'd be afraid to travel for a movie honestly. A drive I could handle but planes scared me. If a plane crashes, that's it. Poof. You're dead. And I was worried about Semi being one on.

My thoughts derailed when Eri started whining. I pulled myself out of bed and over to her crib, leaning down and picking her up with a soft sigh. Eri stared behind me at the bed, seeming to be looking for Semi as well. I kissed her cute little cheeks before smiling at her.

"I know, Semi isn't here. It's weird huh?? I miss him too.."




"Aw, are you trying to talk?? Can you say 'dad'??" I encouraged with a smile. Eri stared up at me, the farthest she got in talking right now was,


I laughed softly, holding her up and kissing her forehead.

"Aw, good job baby girl. We'll try again later, okay?" I said with a smile. It was so cute, but she'd get the hang of talking soon. She's 2, so hopefully it'll be sooner rather than later. I wonder how Semi was doing. I mean he was somewhere completely new and, does he even speak Spanish? I should ask him that tomorrow. 

I mean I'm sure if they're bringing in actors from Japan, they don't expect it and have translators. I have no idea who was gonna be included in the cast of this movie, I don't keep up with that news too often actually. Well, even though I was missing Semi like mad, I was happy my dad said that he was gonna come visit me and Eri. He said he had left a few days ago and should be showing up tomorrow And, with his new girlfriend.. Kinda weird feeling but, I mean, if she makes him happy that's what matters.

Next Day

The doorbell went off, startling Eri. I laughed at her reaction to hearing the doorbell for the first time, peppering her face with light kisses.

"It's okay. That's your grandpa!" I said, getting off the couch and unlocking the door. My dad looked ready to shout hello but he stopped himself when he saw the baby.

"Ohhh... look at my little granddaughter..! Oh! Right, Kenjiro, this is Akari." He said, stepping aside to show his new girlfriend. I smiled politely at her as she smiled back.

"Hello Kenjiro. Your dad has told me a lot about you."

"Heh.. he did?"

"Don't worry, only good things." She said with a laugh. I nodded and allowed them both inside. After we were all settled on the couch, I let my dad hold Eri. We all laughed at Bri's reaction. She didn't look to sure about what to think of my dad, but she didn't cry. She just kept staring at him.

"Aw, she's adorable." Akari said with a soft smile.

"Thank you."

"So, your father said.. you're raising her alone?"

"Yes ma'am... I mean, uh, did he tell you I have a boyfriend?"

"Yes he did."

"Well, he helps me some. But, right now he's traveling for his work. So, unfortunately he isn't here." I explained, Akari nodding before cooing at Eri.

"May I hold her?" She asked. I nodded, watching my dad carefully hand Eri over to her. Eri started to look more comfortable with the two big strangers before suddenly deciding she didn't wanna be held by them anymore and turned to me. I laughed faintly and took her back, gently bouncing her.

"Sorry, she's a little moody."

"Aw, it's alright. So, Kenjiro. Why don't you tell me more about yourself?"

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