Chapter 30

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Oikawa's POV
"Hey Iwa-Chan, what'd you think of Semi?"

"I don't know. I didn't really meet him."

"Looks Japanese."

"Cause he is."

"....never mind." I grumbled, watching Iwa-Chan lay on the bed. I grinned, walking over to him and climbing on his lap. It was true that he was my security. He was originally hired as my security guard about 3 years ago. But he was just too hot to not play around with. So, we kept it in secret so he wouldn't risk getting fired or in trouble.

"Hey Iwa-Chan?"


"You could've given us away earlier."


"Well, your hand was pretty far down my back when we were in front of Semi. What if he noticed?"

"So what."

"Well you know that we can't risk anyone finding out that my security guard fucks me."

"What are you trying to do, Oikawa." He grumbled like he does when he loses patience with me.

"Just. Telling you your job." I said, moving to get off him. Iwa-Chan glared at me as I headed to the door and said I was gonna go get something to eat. He insisted on following but I told him to stay. And like the obedient security guard he is, he listened.

I had been told an old, uh, "friend" of mine is also going to be here. He and I haven't seen each other hardly since college. But I have seen him in a good number of major films. Speak of the king, here he is.

I saw him walk into the hotel with a mini entourage. I had my own, but we were here first so they've all settled in their rooms.

"Hello Oikawa."

"Hello, Kageyama." I said, both of us glaring at each other until a short guy with orange hair popped up between us.

"Let's go to our room...!" He shouted at Kageyama. I smirked and watched them leave. As long as the king over there stays out of my way, we should have nooooo problems.

Kageyama's POV
"Are you always mean when you meet people?"

"Excuse me?"

"You were mean when you first met me!" Hinata said as we sat together on the bed in my hotel room. I just laughed as he pouted and climbed into my lap.


"You should be.." He said with a sigh. He leaned against me with a yawn while I patted his head. I was used to traveling around for different movies or television shows, but I think Hinata said this was one of his first times traveling. Well, he better get used to traveling more often. He'd be going everywhere with me ever since I paid off his debt for him.



"..Alright.. bedtime." I grumbled, putting my arms around the already sleeping boy. I laid back with him, cuddling Hinata close to me. I had come across him in a.. 'special' club. No one needs to know what I was doing there, but nonetheless, Hinata was pathetic. He had no idea what he was doing, he was constantly flustered, yelped every time he was touched or being flirted with.

Every single other guy and girl at that club were obviously enjoying being there, but Hinata wasn't. So, I had paid for him to come to a private room with me. That's when I asked him why the hell he was there, and he had told me it was because he owed a lotta money to the guy who owned the club.

Guess Hinata took money from whoever he could to pay off some medical bills for a family member. I don't know why I did it. But I paid the debt for him in exchange for him keeping me company when I'd travel. Of course he could keep in touch with his family whenever he wanted, but he was basically mine now. Actually no. He is mine.

Semi's POV
I was just about to drift off after getting off the phone with Shirabu when I heard one more text come in. I peaked at it before furrowing my brows.

Shirabu: I wanted to let you know my dad got here safe. And he brought his girlfriend

Me: How is she??

Shirabu: Did I wake you up?

Me: No

Shirabu: Oh, alright. Anyway, she seems okay I guess. Her name is Akari I believe

Me: Is she nice?

Shirabu: She was okay. She asked a lot of questions but I'm sure she was just curious about me since she said my dad told her about me. And probably my mom

Me: Well, as long as she isn't as bad as your mom. How're you doing with it?

Shirabu: It's weird. But, I just want my dad to be happy

Me: I do too. But, talk to him about it if it concerns you

Shirabu: I guess. Anyway, sorry, go to sleep. I love you

Me: I love you too, goodnight

I sighed and turned my phone off. Shirabu had told me about his dad coming to visit while I'd be gone. And he also mentioned he was bringing along his date. I mean his father was a full grown man, probably lonely, and had the right to make his own decisions. And he did seem really sweet and he clearly loves Shirabu. I just hope Akari treat him and Shirabu right.

Once again, I was getting ready to fall asleep when there was a jiggle of the doorknob. I groaned quietly and dragged myself over to it and opened the door.


"....I am SO sorry- this isn't our room no wonder the keycard didn't work-" Said a man, apologizing profusely. I blinked a few times before smiling slightly.

"Oh... No it's alright. What's your room number..?"


"Heh... Yeah, uh, this is 210."

"I'm sorry, we just got here, we're tired and I-"

"No, no it's alright. Are you one of the actors they brought in..?"

"Me? Oh, no. Both of us are the clothing and wardrobe." The man said, gesturing to himself and the man next to him.

"Oh, well, I'll be looking forward to working with you both, mister...?"

"I'm Bokuto. This is Akaashi."

"Well, I look forward to working with you Mr. Bokuto, Mr. Akaashi."

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