The curse is broken and the wraith

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I rush through the halls of the town hospital. Emma called me only a few minutes ago panicking saying that Henry was unconscious and I instantly began getting ready.

"What even happened?" I ask Emma clearly out of breath from running.

"I don't know. He ate one of Regina apple baked goods and just..." Oh my god Regina just poisoned her own kid with her own stupidity.

Speak of the devil Regina rushes in asking if he is alright.

I mentally snap and pretty much drag her out of the room.

"What were you thinking!? You may have this whole town under a curse but don't think for one second I don't know what happened or how it happened, I am one of the only people other than Henry who knows who you really are!"

"I don't know what you mean." She says eyes darting from me to Henry.

"Don't try to tell me you didn't give Emma a poisoned apple treat like the evil queen you are hoping it would kill or injure her. Only to have Henry realize and eat it himself, then it was too late. I hope your whole curse is blown apart and you get what's coming to you." I scold her before walking back into Henry's room to help keep Emma calm.

A while passes while me and Emma wait for any kind of word or update. Eventually Henry's heart rate goes flat and doctors are rushing by his side to help him. I hold Emma in my arms while she stares in shock at what is unfolding before her.

The doctors couldn't do anything he is gone and Regina is sobbing into dr whales arms. Emma just walka over to Henry and tells him she loves him pressing a kiss to his forehead.

That's when I can feel a wave or a ripple pass through the room and through me but nothing really changes.

Except for the fact that now Henry is awake talking about how Emma broke the curse and people are free now.

While Henry and Emma talk I run outside to where everyone is leaving their homes and looking at each other with even greater familiarity than before.

I watch and look at everyone hugging each other and that's when I knew Henry was right, the curse had been broken.

I stand there for a while and see Henry and Emma walk outside and reconnect with their family.

"The curse is broken." Henry says looking up to me.

"I can see that."

"Maybe he'll find you know."

"One can only hope."

The whole town has pretty much gone on a riot to try and kill Regina but in the end it was stopped and she wasn't killed.

"So I assume you know who you are now miss Merrick." Gold says coming to my side as I sit on a random bench.

"I always did crocodile." I snarl.

"Ah didn't miss that name." He says getting up and leaving.

Regina wasn't ever killed but she was thrown in jail.

Even with the curse broken and the evil queen in jail not everything was fixed because not long after the breakage of the curse a purple haze washes over the town. I follow Emma as she storms through the town, something tells me she knows exactly where to go to find out what's happening.

Someday We Will// Killian Jones x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang