Sleeping Curse

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David gets a call from Granny about Ruby getting out of her cage and he has to go take care of it but I stay with Regina and Henry.

Henry holds up his burnt hand and Gold inspects it.

"Oh yes, you were quite right to call me."

"So, you can help? It was just a dream?"

"Well, what you're describing is certainly not a dream."

"Then what was it?" Regina asks.

"A side effect. You know it's remarkable you'd cast a curse you know so little about."

"My victims are not supposed to wake up. So I certainly never cared what happened to them after. Until now."

"Yeah and I suppose no one was supposed to know about the curse you casted over this town for 28 years either. But yet while you were baking that apple turnover and Henry was actively telling people about the curse no part of you though maybe you should think a little harder about what happens to those when curses break. It's not like 29 years ago Snow woke up from the same curse you put Henry under." I roll my eyes.

"When people fall under a sleeping curse their soul travels to a nether world where it resides until awoken. This dream is between life and death and is very real. However, even when the curse is broken, sometimes in sleep the victims find their way back to that world." Is what gold tells us and gives us a locket to help Henry control his actions in the netherworld.

"This other world is tormenting my son every time he sleeps. I want you to give him something that will keep him from going there" Regina stands behind Henry.

"Well I'm afraid that's not possible. I can, however provide you with something that will allow him to control his actions whilst in that world. And once one controls something, one no longer need fear it." He hands it to Henry.

"A necklace." Henry asks.

"You wear this while you're sleeping. Once you control the journey the fear will stop then you can come and go as you please."

"Everything comes at a price for you. what do you want for this?"

"For a house call? You couldn't afford it. But this is for Henry. This one's on me."

Regina tells me shortly after that she will watch over Henry so I go out and take Emma's car for a drive.

I need to go anywhere. I find a empty parking lot and park there. I sit there and I cry.

I feel juvenile, but it's all so much. I was thrust into a world where everyday there is a new problem that I somehow get roped into fixing. All the while having no hope that Killian will find me in this new land. I don't even know if we are going to be able to get Mary and Emma back at this point. I'm trying my best but I'm losing grip of that fight I once had in me.

Howling in the distance brings me out of whatever feelings I was just dwelling in. I get out of the car and grab the gun David gave me when I started being deputy like he was to Emma when she was here.

I arrive to the scene of the howling just before King George shoots Ruby and I shoot the gun out of his hand. I watch as David slowly inches closer towards her and throws the cloak over her bringing her back to human form.


Henry didn't sleep well last night so me and David call over Regina and we all sleep around his bed during the day so he can get some more sleep.

It's not long into Henry's mid day nap that we are awoken by his frantic voice, but it's a different frantic than last night.

"They're alive! They're Alive." He shouts as David pulls himself up from his chair, Regina straightens her posture, and I sit up from my sleeping area on the ground.

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