Its a pirates life for you

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Emma screams as we approach the sheriffs station. Mary Margaret told us she saw him and he was completely wood and now we were on the lookout for him.

August collapses on the ground as we run towards him.

"My son. My boy. My boy. What happened to you?" Geppetto holds August in his arms.

"I'm sorry."

"There is nothing to apologize for. Everything is going to be alright."

"Emma." He leans over to Emma.


He goes to whisper in her ear as we all watch but dies before he can get anything out.

"Not again." Geppetto cries into the wooden man.

"August?" Baelfire approaches the scene.

"Oh no. It can't end this way. He was supposed to get a second chance." Mary frowns.

"What happened?" Neil asks.

"Someone killed him to stop him from telling us something. He used his last dying breath to warn us. I will not let that be in vain." Emma stands.

"Brave. Truthful. Unselfish." Henry whispers. "Brave truthful and unselfish don't you see what this means. That's what Pinocchio was supposed to be. There's still hope. We need the blue fairy."

"I'm here Henry." The blue fairy runs up to us.

"What does Henry mean?" Mary asks.

"I was able to turn Pinocchio into a real boy after he sacrificed his life more Marcos. If his actions today were indeed brave, truthful, and unselfish the. Your right there's a chance I can do it again."

"Please." Marco begs. "I beg of you. Try."

She nods and waves her wands and before our eyes Pinocchio is turned into a real little boy again.


"Big boy! Look look!" Marco points to his real skin.

"I'm a real boy. Im a real boy!" Pinocchio hugs him.


Later in the week we all head over to a mystery location in David's truck.

"Why's te we we in the middle of no where? Why aren't you guys telling me what going on. Why the secrecy?" Emma asks stepping out of the truck.

"Yeah what is going on?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Because you need to see it." Mary answers.

"Great that always goes well for me. Listen, whatever it is, it can wait, august was trying to warn me about something, someone dangerous."

"Doesn't matter." David smiles.

"Actually, I think it does." I smile back.

"Why not?" Emma asks.

"Come see this." Mary drags us into this hidden farm of some sort.

"Emma!" Tiny runs forward excitedly.

"Hey." Emma greets giving tiny a hug.

"Are you here to help? It's not quite harvest time yet."

"Beans! Your growing magic beans! That's what you were up to when I was in New York? Why didn't you tell me?"

"We are telling you. We kept it a secret to protect the crop. Mother superior she cloaked the area. That way Anton can do what he does best." Charming laughs.

Someday We Will// Killian Jones x OCWhere stories live. Discover now