Stopping Cora

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Regina and Gold go and talk in the front of the store and I stay back to keep Henry calm.

Henry decided he wants to read to David like Mary did to wake him up.

"With one kiss. True loves power made everything right again. But this was not the end of their story, it was just the beginning."

Regina comes back from talking to gold.

"I think this time it will happen the other way around." She leans down to be level with Henry.

"You think so?"

"I do. Which is why I need you to stay here and watch David for a little while."

"Where are you going."

"Yeah, Regina, where are you going?" I sit up in my chair.

"Mr Gold and I need to prepare for Emma and Mary Margaret's Return. Coming through the portal won't be easy. We need to make sure everything's in place."

"Really? You're really gonna help them?"

"I promised you I was going to do better. To be better. So yes, I'm going to do everything in my power to see to it they come home safely."

"Well you really have changed."

There is a long pause and a look on her face that tells me Regina is not being entirely truthful.

"Be back as soon as I can."
I hear the bells ring as the door opens while Henry reads to David o I get up to go see who it is.

"Where are they?!" Ruby storms up to me.

"Woah there Ruby. What?"

"Regina and gold?"

"What's going on?"

"All the magic has been drained from the mines."

"They stole it?" Henry comes in from the back.

"They snuck in after our shift and took everything. Nobody steals from a dwarf." Grumpy breathes heavily.

"Except for the Queen." Doc frowns.

"And Rumpelstiltskin." Another one chimes in.

"If they're not helping Emma and Mary Margaret that means..."

"They are trying to stop them." I spit.

"And my mom lied to me." Henry frowns.

"I'm sorry Henry." Ruby gets down to his level.

"We need to stop her. We need to find them. We need to help Emma and Mary Margaret."

"The well. That's where they are." I look down to my feet.
We run up to Regina and Gold as the well lights you green and the sky becomes grey and cloudy.

"Mom?" Henry goes up to Regina. "You're not helping Emma and Mary Margaret are you?"

"I'm helping you Henry."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're gonna kill them." Ruby realizes.

"Sorry dearie." Gold flicks his hand and Rung flies backwards. He turns to me about to do the same.

"Go ahead. Hurt me. See what Henry thinks of you then Regina. Then it won't only be the fact your killing his mom and grandma keeping him away from you."

"Mom what are you doing?" Henry asks Regina.

"I can't let Cora come through the portal. You have no idea what she would do to us."

Someday We Will// Killian Jones x OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz