Does that name ring a belle?

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A knock on Snow and Emma's apartment door pulls charming to it from across the room. I turn my head over my shoulder to watch from my spot on the couch.

He opens the door to an familiar face.

"May I have a word? Sheriff?" Gold asks.

"I thought you said piece on both sides?" I ask and laugh from the couch and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Acting sheriff." David corrects "and I'm pretty late on another busy day cleaning up the mess YOU made." David tries to shut the door but Gold pushes it open again.

"My apologies that was a moment of poor judgement on my part." He walks in "and it's not lost on me that I'm now here to ask for help on your part."

"Well then it shouldn't be lost on you when I say no." David shrugs.

"Here me out for a second. I'm here to report a missing person." He holds out a flyer to David and tosses one over to me.

David sighs and takes it.

"She left my home early this morning her name is Belle."

"Good for her. Why was she even in your home?" I chuckle.

"Back on our land you mentioned you loved someone once is this-" David questions and now I am intrigues. Rumple loved someone, what a shock.


"You also said she died?" David raises a brow.

"I thought she had."

"Well why don't you just use the tracking spell you gave me to find Jefferson?" David offers a solution.

"It only works if you have something the person owned and I don't."

"How can you be sure she's gone missing and not run away?" I question from the couch.

"I can't. Look the townsfolk are less than sympathetic to my plight. But you your in a rather unique position to understand exactly what I'm going through. You too miss Merrick." His words strike a soft spot in my heart, because I do know what he is going through, I can sympathize.

"I have a lot less reason to help you." I scoff trying to keep up my act.

David looks at the picture of Emma and Mary.

"Will you help me?" Gold pleads.



Before Milah had been killed, there was a moment I had just went with my crew when Rumple showed up to my crew in a alley.

"I remember you." Hook had sneered but his tone soon changed when he referred to himself as the dark one.

My crew fought for a while but when the team had been knocked down besides hook, Rumple held a sword to his throat.

Hook had told him he was ready for the sword but rumple insisted on asking some questions.

"Do you know what it's like to have your wife stolen from you? To feel powerless to stop it? It feels like having your heart ripped from your chest. Actually let me show you."

His hand plunged into hooks chest and stayed there for a while.

"NO!" I had screamed from my spot on the floor where when I tried to get up a force knocked me back down and kept me there.

Milah showed up out of nowhere and commanded Rumple to stop.

"Milah? How!?" Gold yelled.

"Milah you have to run." Hook pleaded

Someday We Will// Killian Jones x OCWhere stories live. Discover now