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David and I rush to the hospital after we get a call telling us that Dr. Whale was attacked.

"What's going on I just got a call that Dr. Whale was attacked." David asks Regina.

"You'll have to ask his doctors."

"No. I'm asking you."

"I came here to speak with him and discovered he was hurt."

David looks at her like he doesn't believe any of it.

"It's the truth!"

"What else? What did you come here to speak with him about?"

"Someone from my past. I believe he's come back. Daniele. His name is Daniele."

"The man you were supposed to marry. Snow told me what happened and how it was her fault that he died?" David grows increasingly more confused.

"Yes. He did."

"Well then how could he be back?"

"Whale. He believed he could bring him back from the grave and I don't know how but he has."

"You don't know how? Guess."

"He practices something more powerful than magic or so I was told. All he needed was a heart and he took one of mine."

My jaw drops and David and I pull her away from the window.

"You have hearts here?" David and I both ask.

"In my vault! From our land."

"Whose heart did he take?"

"I have no idea. I took so many it was impossible to keep track. I need to go. I have to help him."

"No. Where is he? Look what he did he's dangerous."

"Not to me! He won't hurt anyone else David I promise."

"You know I can't take that chance. You have two choices Regina tell me where he is or jail."

"I think it's like when you awoke from your coma. He's following his final thoughts to where he last met me. The stable."

"No. Henry is at the stables Regina." I freak out and run out the hospital to the car where David follows quickly and begins to drive us there.

Hooks POV

"I already told you I'm just a blacksmith." I try my best to act scared as they tie me to a tree.

"Sure you are." Emma says before whistling. "You don't wanna talk to us? Maybe you'll wanna talk to the ogres when they rip you limb from limb."

Ogre noises come from all sides. They begin to leave me here.

"You can't just leave me here like this!"

"What if he's telling the truth?" Aurora asks.

"He's not."

"Good for you! You bested me I can only count the amount of people who've done that on one hand." I joke yelling after them.

"That supposed to be funny?" She asks walking back.

"Who are you?"

"Killian Jones but most people have taken my more colorful moniker hook."

"Hook." Mary questions.

"Check my satchel." I suggest.

"As in Captain Hook?" Emma sighs.

"Oh so you've heard about me?" I smile just as Snow pulls my hook out of the bag.

"You better hurry up. They're getting closer and unless you want to be dinner you better start talking."

Someday We Will// Killian Jones x OCWhere stories live. Discover now