64. The Demise of the DA

Start from the beginning

The above is in accordance with Educational Decree Number Twenty-Seven.

Signed: Dolores Jane Umbridge, High Inquisitor.

"Does she honestly think, the more rules she puts in place the better this place is going to be?" Fred asks our group.

"I don't know, but maybe she'll ban breathing soon as well." Jack replies.

"It wouldn't surprise me." Melody replies.

"I'm so fed up of this women, can she just leave already?" I say groaning.

"Fancy skipping Umbridge's class?" Fred asks me.

"With you any day." I reply before turning to our friends. "We honestly don't care what you say to Umbridge, most of the class skip her lessons now anyway."

"That's true, suppose we will see you both later then?" Angelina says.

"Yeah." I reply before turning toto Fred, "where we going then?"

"Walk on the grounds, then sit by the lake?" He asks.

"Sounds lovely." I say, and he takes my hand.

"I can't believe how quick the wedding plans are going, mum already said she's going to get started on the decorations." Fred tells me as we walk through the hallways.

"Yeah, the plans are going quite quick, which is good, your mum also said she wants to do the cake, which I said she doesn't need to but she said she is doing it and that we can't say no to her." I say to him and we both laugh lightly knowing this wedding is probably is going to be fully planned before the end of July.

"Mum is a wonderful cook, so its understandable why she wants to and it looks like I'm her only child getting married for a while." Fred tells me.

"That's true, I reckon it will be Bill and Fleur next, I'm not sure bout George and Angelina, I feel like they will wait a while, as she is very focused on her career." I say to Fred as we walk down the grassy hill.

"Yeah, I'm glad we can get some time just us, feels like we haven't had some time just us for months now." Fred says.

"We honestly haven't every time we get a minute, someone disturbs us either about the joke shop or the wedding and between all the things we are both doing it is hard to find even five minutes together." I say as we continue to walk.

"Hopefully once the joke shop is up and running, no one will interrupt us, when we are trying to spend time together. As much as I love having all of our friends so interested in helping us with things, sometimes spending time just us is all I want." Fred replies.

"Oh don't worry, me too." I tell him as we sit down by the lake, looking up at the clouds and I hold Fred's right hand.

"You know, after we get married, your mum is probably going to want a grandchild." I say to Fred and he laughs lightly, knowing what his mum is like.

"Oh, I know, but do we really want to rush in with having kids? Like we are still young and have a good few years before we need to." Fred tells me and I turn my head to look at him and the sun highlights the freckles dotted around his face.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now