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That night was the first night that I slept all the way through the night without crying myself to sleep. I now worked hard on myself every day, I stopped allowing my self to scared. I faced every day with courage and strength.Now that James knew what had happened to me, I had to tell Ben. He said he figured someone had hurt me, but not to the extreme as Matt had. He hated Matt. He said 'If i ever seen that kid I will beat his ass, let him feel how it feels to be hit.' I tried to calm Ben down but it was useless. James would chime in about holding him down and letting me get a few good shots in, but the idea of ever being near Matt again still scared the shit out of me. I was starting to get stronger but that was while I was alone and away from him, how would I be if I ever see him again.

James and me had started getting close. I would still light up when he was around and smile wide. I allowed myself to finally be happy near James and it felt great. About three months into school I asked Ben if it was okay if I asked out James. He laughed saying "finally" and gave me his approval. I walked up to James before school.

"Do you want to go to the movies with me? My treat." I blurted out before I had a chance to chicken out. He smiled and looked over at Ben.

"Hell yeah, the rich girls treat,what movie will we see." James asked reaching over Ben's shoulders and mine walking towards first period. Ben removed James arm and took a step back.

"Nope, not me!." He said walking off to class leaving me and James alone in the hall with his arm around me. He blushed and looked down and quickly removed his arm from around me. I had been enjoying being in his arms so my smile faded a little.

'So? Do you want to go with me?" I asked him again looking up from under my eye lashes. His smile grew wide.

"Yeah! I would love to." He said taking a step close to me. "Like a date?" He asked shyly.

"If you want it to be, I would like it to be a date." I said grabbing his arm and placing it back over my shoulder. He smiled and squeezed, making my body move closer to his.

"Well if its a date I have to pay." He said walking towards fist period again.

"Nope, my treat, I had the bigger balls and asked you, so I get to pay. You can get the next one." I said leaning into his chest.

"Oh, so there will be another one?" He asked laughing. I laughed and shook my head. Before we got tot he door he turned serious.

"Are you sure your okay with this?" He asked concerned. "Are you ready for this, we can go at any speed you want to go." He said moving my hair that hung over my face behind my ear with his thumb.

"I know, and that is how I know I am ready. We are both healing, we can lean on each other for support." I said giggling again and walking into class grabbing his hand dragging him with me.

After that day me and James had been an official couple. I can not say that we did not have our issues. I was still healing. I was still learning that I was human and I would make mistakes. The biggest one I struggled with was the talking to other boys. There was a time at lunch where I was talking with Gabe about home work I was struggling with. James sat down next to me putting arm over my shoulder bringing me in to kiss my cheek. I flinched and blurted out 'Sorry, I'm sorry, please." But James had grabbed my face and calmed me before I could finish my sentence. He smiled and assured me I was fine, there was nothing to say sorry for. Poor Gabe had to sit next to this scene until I started to breath regularly and finally understood James was not mad at me, it was okay to talk to Gabe. I turned to Gabe blushing and apologizing, making up an excuse that James scared me.

There was a rumor going around school that James was hitting me because of my reactions when I was caught off guard, but the people that mattered knew the truth. James had been there for me helping me heal.

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