Starting a new

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"So what did you need in here anyway?" He asked as we reached the mall door.

"Oh." I knew exactly what I needed, a new bra and underwear and some shirts, but I didn't want to tell Matt that. I would have never told him to take me here if I had remembered what I needed. "Well, um, just a shirt or two." I said glancing over at Amby. Amby was my favorite lingerie store, i needed a new bra set badly, I had been saving for weeks, but I didn't want Matt to know that.

I started to walk past the store when Matt stopped. "What do you actually need." He said with a accusatory tone.

"Fine, I need a new bra and underwear set. But I just met you today and I don't know I'm embarrassed. Ill just come back later this week its fine." I said starting to walk away hoping he would follow me. I felt his hand grab my wrist and a light tug pulling me back towards him.

"There is no point coming back, if you need something go and get it. Ill wait out here for you, maybe go get some food and then when your done come and find me." He said smiling pushing me towards the store. "Ill be at the food court, want me to get you anything?" He asked turning around and walking backwards towards the food court.

"No thanks." I yelled. I watched him turn around and then headed into the store. I tried to be fast, I wanted to get back to Matt as fast as possible. I was a little disappointed that Matt went to the food court, I knew he was being polite, but I secretly wanted him to see the items I was buying. What is going on with me, I have never been like this. I am very shy, I try to hide in the background, but being around Matt brings something seductive in me.

"Hey!" I said when I saw Matt sitting at a table with a tray of food in front of him. What I had not noticed was the girl standing at the table talking with him. She was older then I was and was built like every guys dream with long brown flowing hair. I felt my face blush, did he want me to come up to the table, or did he want to be alone with her. I didn't even know if he liked me, maybe he thought of me as just a friend. I started walking slower taking my time deciding what to do. He had not heard me say hi so he had not looked my way, so I decided to stand back and wait for the conversation to be over.

I stopped at a bench out side of the food court and sat down. I glanced over to the table a few moments later, Matt was still talking with her not noticing me. I felt so dumb, how could a boy like that find me attractive, he was stunning and I was..well...not stunning. No one has ever called me beautiful, except Matt. I reminded myself of our first run in today, he did say I was beautiful, you don't call your friends beautiful.I decided then and there that i was going to walk up to the table and interrupt the conversation, I liked Matt, and I was going to fight for him if I needed to. I took a deep breath and marched over to the table.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt." I tried to say when I reached the table.The girl he was chatting with looked over at me and rolled her eyes.

"Can we help you." She said interrupting my sentence. I was taken back by this, I didn't know what to say. I looked down at Matt and noticed he was upset. Great, he was wanting me to wait. I blushed and looked down starting to turn around.

"Excuse me, she is with me" I heard Matt say. I stopped turning and looked up surprised. He was not angry at me for interrupting, he was mad that she was rude to me. "So, you can leave now." He said to the girl. She looked Matt up and down and then back at me and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever." She said and walked away flipping her hair over her right shoulder. I was still stunned, this girl was much prettier then I was, she looked like she would fit right on Matt's arm, but he was wanting me to be with him. I had never felt special before, but today, today I did.

"Sorry about her, she came up and would not leave me alone. I told her I was waiting for my girlfriend and she told me she would keep me company until you returned. I was to polite to tell her to leave." He said gesturing for me to sit down across the table at him. "Not saying you are my girl friend, we just met, but I wanted her to leave and thought that would make her leave." He sounded embarrassed. I liked that idea, I wanted to be his girl friend, but he was right we did just meet, can you date someone you just met?

"Yeah I understood what you meant. We did just meet, its not like we could start dating or anything right now, right?" I asked looking down at my hands.

"Well, we could. If, if you wanted to, but only if you did." He said reaching across the table placing his hand on my mine. I looked up surprised again, was he asking me out, did this dreamy man sitting across from me want to date me.

"Well, yeah. Yeah I would like that." I said smiling at him. He smiled wide at my answer. He got out of his chair and moved to the one closer to me.

"Really, you want to date me?" He asked surprised. Why would he be surprised, look at him who would not want to date him.

"Yeah, Yeah I would love to. Only if you want to." I said feeling my whole face blush.

"Yes, of course I want to date you." He said squeezing my hand. "Here I got you a burrito. I know you said you were not hungry but I know girls say that to be proper." He said passing me a burrito. The burrito was from Mikes shack, it was the best place in town to get Mexican food and my favorite restaurant.

"Thank you." I said opening the wrapper. Matt handed me a knife and fork and I stared at him confused.

"Whats that for?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry, i forget I'm weird, I hate eating food with my hands, I cant stand the mess." Matt said setting down the fork.He seem embarrassed that he admitted this feeling.

"Oh, don't feel weird, i hate the texture of toothpaste." I said laughing. I took a bite and moaned with enjoyment. It was the bean and cheese burrito with french fries, my favorite. "Oh, you got my favorite." I said taking another bite,. "I love this place." I said after swallowing my bite. "Really, thank you." I said reaching over to squeeze his hand.

We finished eating and then started to window shopped for a while. I went into Jades to get my t shirts and Matt tried to pay for them, I of course would not let him and he seemed upset but allowed me to pay.

"My mom gave me the money, so its not like its my money I'm spending." I laughed loud at my own joke. I didn't have a job so I had no money to spend, unless you counted birthday and holiday money.

We finished at the mall and started to head to my home. I sat in his car quite thinking to myself. I had met this boy less then 6 hours ago but I felt that I knew him my whole life. I was comfortable with him, we made jokes and were interested in the same things. Was I moving to fast, should I tell him i need more time to think about being in a relationship with him. I was always so cautious but not this time, this time i wanted to do what I wanted to do and dating him was what I wanted. I pushed those ideas out of my head and enjoyed the car ride.Its not like we are getting married.

He dropped me out side of my house and walked me to the door. "You better go, if I don't go in soon my mom will come out and I don't know if you want to meet her just yet." I said trying to keep the sadness out of my voice.

"Yeah, probably not best to meet your mom the day I start dating you." He said laughing reaching out grabbing both of my hands. "Do you mind if I pick you up for school in the morning?" He said rubbing his thumbs on the back of my hands.

"Oh, you don't need to do that, I live so far out of town. Jane has to drive by my house anyway I don't want to put you out." I answered.

"No, i want to. I will not be put out at all." He said squeezing my hand to assure me.

"Then yes, I would love that, but once it gets to be to much you tell me okay and Ill have Jane pick me up." He agreed and then said goodnight driving off fast. I stood on my porch to my house for a few more moments reliving the last few hours. My mother switched the light on indicating me to come in, knocking me out of my thoughts. I grabbed my phone, secretly hoping Matt had texted me even though he just left but all I saw was 12 missed text messages and 2 missed phone calls from Jane. I groaned. "Great! I get to deal with this now." I said dragging myself inside my house preparing for battle.

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