First Time

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We pulled into his huge garage and parked his car next to three other cars that had sheets draped over them.

"Are these yours dads cars?" I asked stepping out of the car and placing my hand on the car parked next us.

"Well, this one is." He said pointing to the last car in the garage. "But these two are mine." He said pointing to the other two cars.

"Whoa, you have three cars!" I asked astonished. He shrugged his shoulders and opened the door leading inside the house. We walked into a huge white kitchen. There was a lady standing by the oven mixing something in a silver pot.

"Well, this is the main kitchen." He said spinning around the room. This kitchen was bigger then my whole bottom floor of my home. There was a huge white island in the middle of the floor with a huge sink in the middle. There were huge white cabinets that lined the top of the ceiling. I was amazed by how beautiful this kitchen was. I looked over at Matt and saw how happy he looked seeing my reaction.

He walked me through the rest of the house, skipping most of the bedrooms that were there for guests and ended up in his room. He opened the door showing a black room with red accents. His bedroom was grand with a king size bed with red and black sheets. He had a giant TV hanging on one wall and the other was line with books and movies. In the corner of the room sat two chairs and a couch with a coffee table. He had a bathroom attached that lead to his closet. The closet itself was the size of my room at home with a changing chair in the middle of the room.

Sitting on top the the changing chair was a black dress bag, a shoe box and a bag from my favorite store. I looked back at Matt when I walked in and noticed the bag.

"Is that for me?" I asked walking over to the bag. He smiled and shook his head yes.

"Before you open the dress bag, do me a favor." He said taking a step to the right and opening up a drawer. He pulled out another bag and handed it to me. Go and take a shower, put some make up on and put these on." He said handing me the bag. He brought me to the bath room and showed me the new shampoo and conditioner he bought and a shaver. He moved me over to the sink where all the new makeup sat. "These are all for you, they will stay here for when you come over." He said turning and grabbing my hands. "I love you so much. I am sorry about yesterday, I was upset and I took it out on you and that's not right. Will you please do this for me though, please get ready." He said kissing my cheeks.

"Yes, Ill be fast." I said kissing him. I turned around and shut the bathroom door. I showered and shaved, did my hair and my make up and then opened the bag. Inside sat a black lace bra with matching underwear and stockings that attached to a guarder belt and black high heals. I blushed at the idea of Matt seeing me wear this. I knew why he wanted me to wear this, he was ready to move to the next part of our relation, but I didn't know if I was. I sat there holding the items looking at myself in the mirror. I loved Matt and I wanted to be with him physically, but i was scared. I told myself to put the items on and if I felt okay in them, then I would walk out and be with Matt physically. I put them, feeling the lace softly caressing my skin.

I looked in the mirror, forcing myself to only look at the lingerer that sat on my body, the black,blue and yellow marks that covered my body made me cringe and and I knew if I focused on them I would not go through with this and I really wanted to do this. I stood up straight,running my hands over the silk once last time taking a deep breath. Inside the mirror I saw a different person looking back. I looked older, I looked sexy. I knew I looked this way because of Matt and I liked the feeling, I  knew I was ready to be with him.

"Okay, I'm coming out." I yelled through the door. I placed my hand on the side of the door way and crossed my legs hoping I looked sexy and opened the door. Matt was sitting on one of the chairs in the middle of the room watching me. His eyes widened as he took my appearance in. I blushed as his eyes surveyed my body. I realized he was sitting shirtless in black silk boxer on his chair. His chest was hard with muscles, I had felt them over his shirt many times while we had been kissing, but finally seeing it took my breath away. He motioned with his finger to come over to him and stand in front of him. 

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