Meeting the parents

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Matt had kept his promise for a while, he had not hit me again since the day in the parking lot, it had been about four months now and we were happier then ever. I finally told my parents about him and told them it was getting serious so they wanted to meet him.

"Hey, so, my mom wants to meet you. They want to know if you can come over for dinner this Sunday night." I asked Matt the next morning while driving to school. You could tell he was nervous about this request but forced a smile out and said yes.

The rest of the week I spent cleaning the house and getting ready for dinner. My mother was working so she left me a list of chores to do and items to pick up from the store. I had told Matt that on Friday and Saturday I would not be able to hang out due to getting ready for him to meet my parents. He was upset by the distance but said it would be good to have a few days off and hang out at home. My feelings were hurt that he wanted some days off from me, but we had been spending every second together so I understood.

I drove our old beat up Chevy truck to the store on Friday night to pick up this weeks groceries and the extra for the dinner party. As I pulled up to the store I reached for my list and my phone and realized my phone was not in my purse. "Shit." I said angrily. I knew Matt was texting me and I didn't want him to think I was ignoring him. "In and out." I told myself running inside the store, trying to move as fast as possible to get to my phone quickly. It took me roughly 20 minuets to get the groceries and then another 15 to get back home. When I pulled up I noticed Matts car sitting in my drive way, I smiled with excitement, I had already missed him so much even though we had not been away from each other for more then two hours. I hopped out of the truck and he was leaning against his car door so I ran up and hugged him tight.

"I missed you, what are you doing here?" I asked while squeezing him tight. I noticed his arms stayed by his side. I quickly let go and looked at his face. His eyes were black again making me gasp and take a few protective steps back. "Babe...what's..wh..what's wrong?" I asked him trying to control my breathing. My cheek started to burn remembering the last time his eyes were black.

"What's wrong?" He yelled at me making me jump and take another step back. "Where were you! I have been calling you and texting you and nothing. You know I hate not being able to know where you are. What if something happened to you, you could have been dead in a ditch somewhere!" He yelled pushing himself off the car door walking towards me waving his arms in the air. My breath stopped, remember, talk softly, don't push him my mind reminded me. I quickly looked down to the ground and tried to take another small step back but he had grabbed my arms tight forcing me to stand still.

"I told you I was going shopping for food. I accidently left my phone at the house. I realized that when I got to the store and I rushed in and out to get back to my phone as fast as possible. I'm sorry you were worried about me, but I'm fine." I said still looking at the ground, breathing through the pain of his grip on my arms.

"Look at me!" He screamed shaking me. I wiped my head up fast and looked into his black eyes, these were not Matts eyes, these eyes belonged to someone else. I started to smile, hoping this would bring back my Matt but my smile must have offended him. He lifted up his hand and back handed me hard across my left cheek causing my body to become unbalance and fall to the ground. I sat on the ground motionless, I didn't want to breath to heavy or make any sudden movements that would set him off. I sat there looking at my hands covered in dirt. I could feel the sharp pain coming from my cheek drowning out the pain from my arms. "Did you think something was funny?" He yelled pacing in front of me.

I tried to breath steady so my voice was under control but I was unsuccessful. "No! Of course not." I said flatly, control your tone my brain warned.

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