All alone

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I must have dozed off hours later and awoke to my mother coming into my room.

"Honey, you need to get up, we need to get you signed up for school." She said walking into the room.

"Okay, I'm up." I said sitting up. "Where is my brush?" I asked looking around the room. I always kept my brush right next to my make up bag and when I looked at the table the brush was gone. "Where is my brush! I didn't lose it I promise, I will find it, I will, god I'm so dumb." I said jumping out of bed rushing around the room. My mother caught my face in her hands and forced me to look at her.

"Honey, calm down, I borrowed your brush." She said handing me the brush. "Even if you did lose it, its okay to lose things. You will never be punished again for being human do you understand me?" Her eyes started to water, I need her, I needed my mother to make it all better. I wrapped my arms around her tight and cried. It felt good to cry with someone and not all alone. Matt hated when I cried so he would send me to a room all by myself to cry and get over it, when I felt better I was allowed back into the room. But being in my mothers arms felt so nice and secure. I cried until I had nothing left to cry. I pulled away from her slowly and looked at her face. I had not realized that she was crying with me. God I am selfish, I need to hide these feelings, I could not hurt her anymore.

"I'm sorry mom." I said wiping my eyes. " I don't know why I just freaked out, I'm done trying to get attention, I'm done." I said sniffing and trying to clean my face up.

"You will never have to say sorry for crying on me, do you understand. I love you. I am so sorry I let this go on for so long. If I paid more attention it would not have gone on for so long. Please forgive me." She said crying again holding my face. I started to cry in response to seeing the pain in my mothers eyes.

"NO! Shhh.Please don't cry mom. It was not your fault, it was mine. Everything is my fault if I was better, then I would never needed to be taught lessons. I knew the rules and I broke them. Please do not feel bad for my mistakes." I said hoping this would take away the pain, but all it brought was more tears from her. We sat there for a while holding each other until we had to get ready for the day.

Walking into a new school was scary. I still had a brace on my arm and walking boot on my foot, my shirt stuck out more due to the bandages wrapped around my ribs, there were cuts on my lips and eye brow. My eyes were still swollen from Matt's lesson and my left eye was still blood shot, I looked like I had been in a horrible accident. My mother told me she stuck with the lie about me falling down the stairs, so I guess I was in an accident.

I looked down as we walked into the school, I was scared to see the peering eyes of my classmates. My long hair dangled on either side of my face causing a wall to separate their eyes from my face. I was wearing a long sleeve black shirt and black hoodie with black pants and my black shoes and black walking boot. I knew I must look strange to these students, but I did not care about them, only Matt.

We signed me up for classes and the principal gave us a tore of the school and brought me to each one of my classes so I was not lost in the morning. The school was tiny so I was not worried about getting lost, but it was a nice feeling knowing where I was heading after each class. He showed me the after school activity bored and asked if I was interested in any sports.

"Well, seeing as I cant walk down the stairs without almost killing myself, I would venture out a guess and say no I don't like sports." I said rudely. I don't know where this rudeness came from, the principal had been so nice to me. I felt sick to my stomach talking with someone for so long without looking over at Matt for reassurance and guidance, I felt lost and confused. My mother apologized for my attitude and said I was still adjusting to the new environment. The principal accepted the response but I could tell he was not going to be a fan of mine.

Stronger(Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora