Dinner Party

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"Mathew." I heard a mans voice coming from the doorway of the study. Matt turned around quickly.

"Father." Matt said walking up and shaking his fathers hand. "Good to see you today." He said calmly.

"And who is this radiant angle standing over there." Matt's father asked. He reached his hand out gesturing over to me. I looked up and smile and walked over slowly to his father.

"Father, this is Amelia. Amelia this is my father Benjamin Graves." Matt said placing his hand on my lower back. I smiled at Benjamin and reached my hand out to shake.

"Oh no, a women as beautiful as you deserves a proper greeting." He said and reached around to hug me. He held me tight taking a deep breath and a small moan escaped his mouth. I wondered if Matt had heard this but I was to nervous to look over. "Well, its time for dinner I hope, I am starving and have some work I need to get to after dinner. Shall we." Benjamin said offering his arm to me. I looked over at Matt and he nodded, so I took his fathers arm and walked to the dinning room. I was sat in the middle of the table with Matt and his father on either end of the table. The table was long making it hard to have a conversation without having to yell.

"So, tell me. How old are you." Benjamin asked.

"I am 16. I will turn 17 in June." I answered trying to portray a voice of confidence. I looked over at Matt twitching in his seat.

"How long have you and Matt been dating?" He asked. I looked over at Matt, do not talk about our relationship if he wants his father to know he will tell him. Matt met my eyes and nodded, I guess that means I can answer him.

"Well, we have been dating for about 9 months." I answered. Two doors opened and a butler came and brought each of us a plate of food. Each plate had a small steak with mash potatoes and baby corn. It smelled amazing, I had not realized I had not eaten all day. I waited for Benjamin to pick up his fork before I did, I cut into the stead and it fell apart like butter. I took a bite and realized this was the most delicious steak I had ever eaten.

"Good huh?" Benjamin asked noticing my reaction to the bite. "I have a small ranch outside of Wyoming where I get all of my steaks from. This cow was butchered yesterday, you will never taste anything more fresh." He said bragging. We ate in silence for a while until desert was presented, chocolate cake.

"So, where have you been hiding this beauty son?" He asked Matt. "Why did it take so long for you to introduce her to me?" He said sounding angry but his face stayed happy.

"I know how busy you are sir,I did not want to bother you, but i figured it was time." Matt answered after a bite of cake.

"I hope you come around more often, I worry about my son being all alone." He said turning his attention onto me.

"Oh thank you sir. Your home is beautiful." I said smiling at him. He laughed and looked around the house.

"I guess you could call it that. We had a more luxurious house in L.A. but this town is so small and full of small people this was the best I could do. It suits our needs for now." He said laughing. I hide the anger I felt about how he spoke about the people I have grown up with. Our town was small, but there were great people that lived here. I smiled and laughed and turned to look at Matt. He was smiling and gave me a small nod. Yes! I was doing good, I was behaving.

Dinner ended and his father asked if we wanted to go back to the study to talk a little easier. I started to stand up from my seat when Benjamin cleared his throat causing me to sit back down. He stood up and walked over to help pull my chair out. He offered his arm again and I took it with a smile. I looked over at Matt and saw his eyes began to darken. I thought the night was going great, his father seemed to like me and Matt seemed to be enjoying himself so why had those eyes appeared?

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