To Much

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I was hoping he had calmed down from the distance from me while I cleaned up, but his eyes were still black. I stood in the door way holding my chest and looking down.

"Drop your arms." He said coldly. I did as instructed and dropped my arms but keeping eyes down. "Come here." He said. I started to walk over to him until I was in arms reach. I stopped, and slowed my breath. Do nothing he does not tell you to do. Protect yourself. My mind coached me. "Now, tell me the truth." He added placing his hands on my arms. I flinched at the touch expecting pain but none had come...yet. I looked up at him with questioning eyes. "Do you find my father more attractive?" He asked glaring at me. My mind was racing, chose your words correctly, do not talk bad about him but do not make him think you liked him more.

"No. You are the only one for me." I said hoping this was correct. He glared and I knew I messed up.

"I did not ask if you wanted to be with my father, I want to know if you want to fuck him." He yelled. I flinched and looked down.

"No. I only find you attractive, no one else, ever." I said crying now. I didn't want him to hurt me anymore.I felt his finger on my chin and force me to look up. His eyes softened as he saw the tears flowing down my face. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me in close. I knew my Matt was coming back and I needed him, so I wrapped my arms around him tight, hoping he could feel all of the love I had for him. He let me go and his eyes were almost back to normal. Just behave for a few more moments and we will have him back my brain cheered. He leaned in close and kissed my lips softly and moaned. There he was, there my Matt was, he was back. I kissed back wrapping my arms around his head, pulling him close to me.

We kissed for a while and then he pulled back looking at me. His eyes were so hurt and his red cheek had turned black. I could not stand to see him hurt, so I leaned in and kissed his cheek softly. He moaned and pulled my head back.

"I love you so much." He whispered. "I am so sorry, I am back now. We are okay now." He said leaning over and kissing my face where the new bruises had started to show. I breathed him in enjoying the soft sweet moment we were sharing. I knew that I should not be enjoying this moment, but I could not help it, I loved him, I needed him. Our kisses turned from sweet to passionate and we started to have sex again, this connection to him assured me that one day the other Matt will go away and I will only have my Matt.

We sat in each others arms for hours until my mother called telling me to come home. Matt helped me put makeup on the cover the bruises and kissed me softly over my face again. These moments with Matt outweighed all of the bad. He drove me home and walked me to the door. "I will never let that Matt back ever again." He said softly in my ear and we hugged goodnight. "I promise." He said letting me go and kissing me goodnight.

I walked inside and ran up to my room, I knew that the makeup covered my shame, but I did not want to risk it. If you have to hide it, that means its wrong my brain hissed at me. I plugged my phone in so it would not die and waited for Matt to text me before I fell asleep.

Good night my love. I love you Matt texted me moments after he left. I sighed with happiness.

Good night, see you tomorrow. I love you too I replied and laid down in bed falling into a deep sleep.

The rest of the summer was a blurry mess of happiness and fear. Matt had bought me a diamond necklace apologizing for the events that happened on the night of meeting his father. We traveled a lot with his father, going to see Cancun and Pairs. We walked hand and hand on white sandy beaches and enjoyed being in each others companies. It felt like my life was a dream, but ever so often a nightmare would show up. The other Matt started to show up more often even though I was always on my best behavior. It seemed when Matt was around his father his temper grew and I could do nothing correct. I started dressing less sexy around his father but that would embarrass Matt, he would say he was dating a prude, so the other Matt would show up to help me learn,some times he would have to reteach me these lessons over and over again. Sometimes I would bring up my parents and that would set him off or say something about money or something being to expensive so he would buy the item for me and then hold it over my head for the rest of the day saying how ungrateful I was.

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