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"Cassia! Get down her right now!" My mother yells, I walk downstairs knowing I'm about to get yelled at. 

"Yes mother?" I say walking into the living room to only realize Steve (my manager) was there.

"Steve and I were just talking and thinking that you should do something about your Instagram. You never post nor go live, so I have made a schedule for you." She hands me a thick binder "In here is when you should go live and when you should post, what the live should be about and how long you will be on it. As for the post, it's just the time and day, you can do whatever you want with that." She gave me a smile

"I don't think I should go live mom. You know that I struggle with keeping my mouth closed." I have this tendency to speak before thinking when I'm under-pressure, and I know for a fact that I will be under-pressure when I go on live. She just shrugged and walked away, of course she didn't care. 

I walked back up to my room and opened the binder, I have to go live at 10:15 and it's currently 10. My mother doesn't realize why I don't post. I don't post because I just like to talk to my fans, they don't need to see me post something to comment how good I look when I text them myself. I send them selfies and everything. She would never understand that and I don't expect her to do. I know for a fact when I go live people will be shocked. I have sated it several times how much I hated going live. 

It's time to go live, I sigh and set up my phone to go live. Today I was just supposed to talk to fans and do my daily things as if I'm not live to make it seem 'natural' but all of my fans know me, they know once a camera is in my face I can't be 'natural'. I pressed start live, and 30 people have already joined, sending 'hi' in the chat and asking how I am. 


It's be at least and hour since I started the live, I only have 30 more minutes to go. In the binder it gave me specific times to add someone to the live and talk to them. It was draining but fun to see them and talk to them. I did see a of comments from fans I talk to asking if I'm ok and why I'm going live because I hate it.

"Ok so..... yes guys I'm ok. I just got bored and decided to go live. I know very much 'not me' but I was extremely bored. I might start going live more often I like talking like this, everyone in one space." I said with  smile, they make me happy. They are concerned for me, they respect me and I show them the respect back. I hear a knock at my door I had a confused look on my face, "Who is it?" I asked

"Tristan!" Oh great, my fake boyfriend. My mom made me fake date him so we could get famous together. The contract ends in like a year or something, he's annoying and I hate him. But the fans don't need to know that.

"Come in babes! I'm on live! Wanna say hi?" I asked with a smile, he plopped on the bed next to me.

"Of course baby." He kissed me, his wet ass kiss. I wanted to wipe it off because of how wet it was. "Hey ya'll!" He took the camera and started walking around, I wiped the kiss away quickly. He kept saying things like 'do i looked hot?' 'i know you missed me' 'i love you all' 'i wish i could kiss everyone of you'  

"Babes can I have the phone please." I realized it was a minute pass when I was supposed to end. He handed me the phone, "Ok guys we have to go now! We're going to have normal boyfriend and girlfriend time. Love you all bye!" I pressed the ex and tossed my phone on the bed leaning back.

"Why the fuck were you live?"

"My mom made me a binder making me post on certain days and go live on certain days."

"Well... I know something that will take your mind off of it." He started to crawl towards me, I knew what he meant. I never denied him because I just don't want to hear my mom yelling to me about it. I sigh, I wipe his wet as lips and started to kiss him. He was a sloppy kisser, sometimes I found it cute but majority of the times I found it annoying. I hear him taking off his belt, I've always hated this with him. He pulls down my pants and starts to rub his dick, he placed a condom on and continued to rub, he groans and licks his lips looking at my pussy which is dry as a rock right now.

"I bet you're so wet for me baby." I nodded, he then entered. I didn't really react but I had to so I snapped my head back rolling my eyes, not from pleasure but from annoyance. I will admit it did sometimes feel good but I let the annoying part take over it. "Oh fuck baby I'm about to cum! I bet you are too you naughty girl!" No I was actually quite far from it, I then felt the condom filling with liquid. I let out a fake moan, as I rolled my eyes again. He pulled out and started putting his pants back on. 

He flushed the condom down the toilet, "Bye." He said just leaving me there, he only comes to me to fuck nothing more. He's not even good at it, I tell him 24/7 to like cheat on me so I won't have sex with him and he says he does it all the time but that I'm better. 

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