Ch. 34: Heavy slumber

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He came over and sat down next to me, leaning forward, with his elbows on his knees. And after a deep sigh, he started talking.

"You were drugged, Mia. Ryan..."

"Ryan," we said in unison, when it all came washing over me. Ryan's smirk when he came in uninvited. Him apologizing profusely over and over, and the little unicorn. The drink he offered...

"The drink?"

Benjamin nodded.

"But I didn't touch it. He kept telling me to accept it, but I never did."

"I know. But there was a mix up afterwards and you happened to get it anyway. Nobody knew until it was too late."

Too late...

"Too late?"

He didn't respond.

"Benjamin, did something... Did he...?"

My mind was already spinning its own suffocating web of possible scenarios, and none of them were nice ones. My heartbeat had picked up and the familiar sting in my chest made me numb with fear.

"How much do you remember?"


I didn't know what to say. It was like a black hole had swallowed almost an entire day, and I couldn't recall one single thing. Not even a dream. If it was true that I slept that long, then I know I would have at least remembered what I dreamed about. I usually did. At least fractures of them, but now? Nothing.

"Anything?" Benjamin asked, but I just shook my head. And for a long time he just rested his sad, blue eyes on me with this strange, indescribable look that made my beginning panic attack halt, simply because the unspoken interaction between us became too overwhelming. He didn't do anything, and it should freak me out, yet it didn't. I was just stunned and at loss for both words and thoughts.

"Good," he said eventually. Then he sat up and pulled me towards his chest, embracing me with his strong arms. His breathing was deep and the gloominess surrounded him just like his cologne engulfed me. And when he kissed my hair, I felt safer than ever before.

He rocked us slowly from side to side and I noticed his breathing gradually changed. He swallowed a couple of times, before he spoke up with a gruff, hoarse voice.

"I'm sorry, Mousie. I'm so sorry."

I pulled away and tried to look at him, but he kept holding me so I couldn't see his eyes. But a couple of sniffles gave him away. He was crying again.

"Why are you sorry?"

"It should never have happened."

"Benjamin. I don't understand. What are you not telling me?"

"It was supposed to be a nice evening, but instead it became the birthday party from hell, and..."

He was full on sobbing now, and I was freaking out from the feeling of being left out of something essential. I mean, except for the thundering headache, I didn't feel any different from usual. So what could have possibly happened to make him react the way he did? He was literally clinging to me, and it was more me comforting him than the other way around. Not that I minded. I didn't know what he was supposed to comfort me for anyway.

"Shhh, Benny. Everything will be fine," I whispered and stroked his back and his hair. If only I could remember anything from after I talked to Ryan.

"What did he do?" I asked, but I got no answer. Just a couple of chokes and hiccups, almost like he was a little baby crying in his mother's arms. My heart ached for him.

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