"Pretend you don't hear them," Ryan grunted, and tried to push past my teeth. I swear I almost vomited.


More pounding on the door turned into heavy strikes against the wooden panel, until it caved in and slammed against the wall with a bang. And not even two seconds after, Ryan was pulled off me and knocked to the ground with one hard fist against his jaw, and judging by the sound, it probably broke.

Ryan tried to scream something, but he couldn't form any words because of Benjamin's constant beating at his face. Then I felt the bed sheets being pulled over me so they covered my naked body, and I heard Ruby sobbing next to me.

"Oh my God, Mia. I'm so sorry. I should have never left you. I was only gone for two minutes, and when I came back you were nowhere to be found. I searched everywhere..." she sniffled. "I'm so sorry," she kept repeating.

It wasn't her fault, though. Not really. I didn't exactly know who's fault it was, but it had clearly something to do with Ryan. But how? I didn't accept the drink he was offering me. Did someone else do it for him? Frida?

Just as her name came to mind, I heard her voice yelling outside, and by the increasing volume, I knew she was on her way here. Why couldn't they all just fucking leave? I didn't want them to see me like this. Still, there was nothing I could do about it. Not a single thing.

"What the hell did you give her?!" Frida shouted angrily a stomped into the room. Then I was surprised to hear Rowan's voice.

"Nothing! I swear! I just got the drink from Ryan, and thought it was a pity to just pour it out in the sink. And since you're into that fruity stuff, I thought maybe... Ow!"

"You're so fucking dumb, Rowan!"

"But it's not my fault! I didn't know somebody here would drug her?!"

"Not somebody. Ryan did!"

I couldn't hear Ryan anymore. He was probably knocked unconscious, and from what I could hear it sounded like Rowan was trying to pull Benjamin away from him.

"Stop it, Benny! You're killing him!"


"Calm down!" Frida said. Ruby just cried. "It doesn't help her beating him into a pulp."

"A little too late for that," Rowan mumbled. "Just look at him."

Then he sighed exasperatedly.

"It's probably Benzo."

"Benzo? You actually know the name of that shit?" Frida exclaimed in disbelief.

"Everybody does. It's a rape drug, that..."

"Why the hell would he be using that on one of our friends? Or at all?" Frida cut in.

"I dunno!"

"Well, it's fucked up, that's what it is."

I felt strong arms around me, and someone lifted me up. Then Benjamin's familiar cologne embraced me with a safety I'd longed for for what felt like an eternity, and I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck. That was all I managed to do, as I hung limp in his arms.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking her home. Where are her clothes?"

"Here," Ruby said, and I barely recognized her voice because of how choked up it was.

"Call 911 and get this scumbag out of here. And if I ever see him again, I can't promise he's breathing when I leave."

Ruby started sobbing again when Benjamin started walking down the hall with me in his arms. In the living room, the talking silenced and left the music play like it was foreign to our ears; a lonely melody created for no purpose at all. Then the thick, warm air changed into freezing cold and Benjamin did his best to tuck the bed sheets even tighter around me. He didn't say a word. What was there to say anyway?

Heavy steps rocked me into a temporary, exhausted sleep that was interrupted when he used his foot to knock on the door to my aunt's house.

"Benjamin?" I heard her say, and I didn't have to look at her to tell that she was confused. Then she gasped in horror.

"What happened?"

Benjamin only mumbled an answer and pushed passed her and towards my bedroom. There he gently put me down and let me keep my covers on, adding my own bed sheets on top. Then he kissed my temple and told me he'd be back in a few minutes, before he left and shut the door behind him. And the sound of the low conversation between him and auntie Dorothy was the last thing I heard before I drifted off into darkness.

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