"Why do you need to see a blood specialist?" Mason asks.

"Because they think I might have Leukemia," I mutter then hide in Dimitri's neck.

"What," Lucan asks shooting up from the bed.

Thankfully Tray answers for me because I was currently attempting to hide the fact I was crying. "The doctor asked her to describe the type of systems she was presenting and he also did an exam. He said the stuff she was listing points to possibly being Leukemia, but she needs to see a blood specialist for them to confirm or deny."

"When's the appointment," Ryder wants to know. 

I shake my head telling Dimitri I wasn't ready to talk. So once again someone speaks for me. "She's going to call Monday because by the time they got back the office was closed for the weekend."

"Let us know when it is so we can be there," Ryder demands causing more tears to fall. And now I was ugly girl crying and no doing a stellar job of hiding my tears.

I hear Aubree start to cry and she launches herself at me. She was acting so different from the Aubree I had first met. I was really wishing that Vanessa was here. I need to call her. Soon her and I aren't the only ones crying. Dimitri's tears fall against my cheeks and he tightens his hold on me. I peek out from between Dimitri and Aubree to see all the guys wiping away tears. 

I sit up from Dimitri to take in the scene happening around me. Tray is patting a sobbing Mason on the shoulder while he too has tears falling. Lucan stands at the side of the bed crying and Ryder stands giving us his back, but not before I see tears falling from his eyes. 

They give off this aura of being these tough hard ass rockers, but when it comes to the people they care about they are completely different. I really hope the women they will one day love are worthy of them. They all have their quirks, but when it comes to family they are fiercely loyal.

Time as no more meaning while everyone expresses their worry and sadness over the situation our family is facing. I fall even more in love with this new family I'm a part of and feel strength I didn't have before. With having them in my corner I feel as though I can face this and come out on top.

"We are going to have to postpone the tour," Lucan states already thinking of the future. 

"No," I say and when all eyes are on my I explain, "let's wait and see what the doctor says and then goes from there. This could still be something else. And I don't want you guys canceling the concert if this turns out to be nothing."

"Alright," Lucan gives into my wishes, "but if this is Leukemia all shows will be cancelled till further notice." His eyes take on a hardness letting me know he will not be swayed.

Aubree speaks up, "as much as I agree with canceling the tour I also agree with Skylar. From a business point of view it will be easier to cancel when we need to verses canceling and then coming back later and saying never mind."

"Like I said if this is Leukemia I don't care how much backlash we get we will be staying her with her." Lucan commands. "Plus we would be down our lead singer because we all know Dimitri would walk away from the band before he walked away from Skylar." Dimitri nods his head in agreement and rubs my back.   

"Duh," Tray says rolling his eyes. "If we didn't you would also have to do the tour without me because I would refuse to leave my bestest best friend. Dimitri would have to get use to sharing his bed with not only Skylar, but also me." 

"Like hell I would," Dimitri rages. "Your ass will be in the guest bedroom."

Tray turns his attention to me and pouts, "but bestest best friend wouldn't you want me there?"

I peek at Dimitri and hold back my laughter, "Tray I think for your well being if it comes to that you would be better off in the guest bedroom."

"So," Aubree says looking unsure of herself, "about the tour. Not sure if this is the best time, but since you are all here." She trails off for a moment. "Remember that band I was telling you about. The one out of control." Everyone mutters their yes. "Well The Wicked Minions are going to be joining you for the entire tour. Surprise."

By their expressions they are not excited or amused. Guess it was one thing to offer to help with the band for a small portion of time, but now they are going to be force to deal with them for weeks. I want to face palm myself. Not so sure Aubree this was the best time to tell them. Then again maybe dumping all the bad news at once was the way to go.

"Why," Ryder asks with fire in his eyes. Someone is not at all happy about this.

Aubree stares at the celling, "well when you mentioned having them join for a few shows the label liked the idea that they wanted them with you for longer. They are figuring with them touring with you will help boost The Wicked Minions' standing." Her actions scream she isn't happy with this turn of events either. I remember the conversation her and I had had when she found out about this. Seems her thoughts on the matter still haven't changed. 

"You can't get us out of this?" Ryder questions. Why is Ryder so against this? He was on board with helping before. What has now changed? Aubree shakes her head no. Ryder clenches his hands into fists. 

"Dude it's not that big of a deal." Lucan says with a shrug, "so what they want a band to tour with us. We've toured with plenty of bands." Lucan says trying to keep the peace. Ryder glares at Lucan and I actually fear for Lucan's life. "Glare at me all you want its not going to change the outcome."

"As much as I'm not happy about this," Tray says, "that is the least of our worries right now. We need to focus on making sure Skylar is going to be okay."

"Agreed. She is the priority," Dimitri states staring at me with love in his eyes. He bends down and kisses me. "You are my world," he whispers.

"Goss," Tray yells pretending to gag. Dimitri flips him the bird causing me to roll my eyes.      

"Now everyone get the fuck out of our bed!" Dimitri orders.

I've planned out the rest of the book we are looking at about 6 to 9 chapters left all depends on the direction the characters take me. Happy reading!  



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