Chapter 35: Maisie 6 Tommy 4

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Molly's POV...
My babies have grown up so fast I don't like it how fast they are growing up they are both at school now it's horrible I don't get to spend much time with them as much as I did anyway my brother josh has gone back to America..

Alexs POV...
We are all at work and school today is Friday Maisie is at school tommy has started his first year Molly has gone back to being a nurse and I am a fireman I finish at 3 Molly finishes at 4 I am picking Maisie and tommy up at half 3..

Molly's POV...
It's feels so weird walking back into this hospital I have missed this place I walked in and everyone said welcome back Molly betts I said aww thanks guys I work as a midwife.

Alexs POV...
I have picked up Maisie and tommy tommy is so big now he said daddy where's mummy I said she is at work mate he said ok and Maisie said what time will mummy be back I said 4 which is soon she said ok and she smiled at me I opened the door Maisie ran upstairs to her room and tommy walked upstairs I said don't be long mummy will be home soon..

Molly's POV...
I walked in and saw Alex in the kitchen I put my bags down and walked into the kitchen and wrapped my arms round Alex's waist he turned round and kissed me I said hello babe he said hello baby how was your day at work I said it was amazing I delivered 3 babies and did a few phone calls I am going to have a wash I kissed Alex and walked upstairs Maisie screamed mummy your home I said hello baby and gave her a massive hug then I walked into Maisie's room her and tommy were playing on their iPads watching finding nemo I said I am just getting in the shower back in a minute babies I got my phone out of my pocket and I had a miss call off Joanna I rang her back I said hello she said hey sis how did your first day back at work go I said ok thanks and laughed we had abit of a conversation and then I put my phone on charge Alex was in charge I always check his phone for other girls I can't stand cheating ruby cheated on my brother it killed my brother until she came back I never forgave her properly I looked through his phone and no calls only one text to Taylor saying how's Harry and Kyle in football and one to Joanna about me about how they think my first day at work has gone I love my Alex he is the best...

Alexs POV....
I walked upstairs to see Molly's phone I hate cheaters I can't stand them I would never cheat on Molly I love her to much I looked through her phone only her brothers she has called and on text today she has text jack and her dad about her car needs cleaning I do love my moll doll I heard her come out of the shower then she shouted Alex's I said yeah she walked out of the bathroom in her onsie and her hair in a bun she said was you looking at my phone I said yeah she said I look at yours too she laughed and gave me a hug and we laid on the bed talking about Maisie and tommy..

Molly's POV...
I made lasagne for tea Maisie and tommy came walking downstairs and they sat at the table and Alex sat down and gave everyone their tea and I gave Maisie and tommy a drink of Juice I was drinking white wine and Alex was drinking red wine..

Alexs POV...
I took Maisie and tommy to bed and Molly was watching tv downstairs I walked back downstairs and me and Molly watched a film..

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