
The bathroom.

After a awkward moment of silence. Remus clears his throat, catching Anna's attention.

Anna flushes under his gaze.

"I'm sorry that things are so awkward." Remus says, Anna shakes her head, "no it's my fault Remus, I came onto you and I've said it so many times that I can't sleep with my friends and I pretty much did that. So I'm the one who's sorry." Anna says

Remus shakes his head. "You were drunk that night and you weren't thinking clearly. I took advantage of you." Remus says

Anna laughs.

"Why don't we say it's both of our faults and let's go back to being friends." Anna says

Remus breaths out in relief and he nods. "Yes let's do that, because I really want to be back in your life without it being awkward." Remus says

Anna smiles. "Well of course it's going to be awkward. But I'm glad that we're talking again, because there's something I've been wanting to show you." Anna says, reaching over to grab his hand and tug him out of the bathroom.

Remus smiles brightly.


Back with the others.

"Finally, we've been waiting on you two, we were just about to discuss how we will pick our dolls." Lily says

Remus snorts, while the others laugh, amused at being referred as a doll.

Lily does a quick head count just to make sure that everyone was there and with a small hum, she nods. "Okay so the plan is to write down our names and place the pieces of paper into the hat. And whatever you drawl out, that's who your going to be dressing up, there aren't any limits except there can't be any nudity." Lily says

The boys laugh at that, all except for Remus who shakes his head in amusement.

"Now we'll start with Marlene, put your hand in." Lily says, motioning towards the hat she had ready.

Marlene walks forward, a small smirk on her lips. "So demanding." Marlene teases, putting her hand in.



Anna was seated on her bed, panicking internally, what the hell does she choose as a costume.

Anna's got Sirius and she doesn't understand what people like to wear these days, especially what to get Sirius Black.

Maybe she can ask him. And she knows that it goes against the rules of keeping it anonymous, but she really needs the help.

"Anna." Remus calls out

Anna looks up and she smiles. "Hey." Anna says, patting the empty spot besides her. Remus smiles and he sits besides her.

"Who did you get." Remus asks "Sirius, and I have no idea what he likes, what about you, who did you get." Anna asks

Remus chuckles. "I've got Mary." Remus says "so what is it that you wanted to show me." Remus asks

Anna perks up and she moves off her bed and she gently grabs a small animal bed.

Remus gapes softly at the three sleeping dragons. "Bloody hell Anna, this is amazing." Remus breaths

Anna giggles and she gently picks up Polaris. "This is Polaris, named after-" "the North Star." Remus finish's

Anna smiles and she nods. "Yeah the North Star." Anna says "they're amazing Anna." Remus says

Anna blushes. "Do you want to hold him." Anna asks "is that okay, I mean I assume dragons don't trust anyone other then their mothers." Remus asks

"That's usually true but they're still babies, I want them to get use to others." Anna says

Remus swallows and he hesitantly reaches out. Anna giggles softly and she places the dragon onto his palms. Remus's heart stutters.

Polaris opens his eyes and he lifts his dark head, staring up at Remus with its black eyes.

"He likes you." Anna whispers

Remus looks up from the dragon and he meets Anna's gaze. He licks his lips nervously.

"Go out with me." Remus says

"What." Anna breaths

Remus clears his throat. "I know we said we would go back to being friends and that everything should be normal, but, I can't do normal Anna, not with you." Remus says

Anna gently places the sleeping dragon back onto his bed.

Anna's mind was running a mile a minute. Her heart was pounding crazily.

"Remu-" Anna whispers

Remus smiles softly and he lifts his hand, placing a hand on Anna's cheek. "Just think about it, because I want you Annabelle, maybe a little to much." Remus whispers

Dragons Soul • (Sirius Black, Remus Lupin) • The Marauder Era • CompleteOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora