
"Have you heard of the stone of Loren?" she asked. I nodded. "It's in the jewel room. You don't even have to do anything except get the guard away from the door. My men will handle the rest."

"Just get the guard away from the door?" she nodded. "And you'll bring my parents back?"


I blew out a breath. My deepest wish since i was a child. The thing i prayed for when i was alone. My parents. I nodded. "Okay," i whispered. "I'll help you."

She smiled. "Good. go now to the jewel room. Distract the guard and we'll finally get our family back."

I nodded. I stepped out of the room. No one was around so i was easily able to walk out without being noticed. I made my way to the jewel room. I stood in the hallway near the jewel room. "Gods, forgive me," i whispered to myself. I ran over to the guard bringing tears to my eyes. "Please help me."

"Milady? What's wrong?" he asked.

"I think there's someone in the palace. Please, i don't know what to do."

"Come with me milady," he said lightly grabbing my arm. I let him take me to a secluded hallway. "Stay here and i'll check it out. I'll come back in a moment." I nodded. I slid down the wall feeling myself cry. My heart and mind were in conflict with each other. I didn't want to betray Sebastian but i wanted my parents back more than anything. "Milady, let me escort you back to your bedroom."

He held out his hand for me. I grabbed it and stood up. He placed his hand on my upper back. He started walking me upstairs. "Mihai, what are you doing away from your post?" i heard Sebastian ask from behind us.

We turned around. I ran over to him throwing myself in his arms. He wrapped his arms around me holding me close to him. "Forgive me my lord but she was frightened. I was just escorting back to her room."

Sebastian nodded. "I'll take her, go back to your post." Mihai bowed his head before returning to the jewel room. Sebastian gently grabbed my face wiping the tears from under my eyes. "What had you so frightened, mea soare?"

"I i thought i saw someone in the palace and after what has happened the last few times-"

"It's alright. I'll have someone secure the palace, alright?" i nodded. "Let's go upstairs, you need to relax." he held me close to him as we walked upstairs to our bedroom. "Secure the palace, Alexa thinks she saw someone," he told Darrian who was posted outside the door. He nodded and sped out. Sebastian lifted me up. He sat down on the bed with me in his lap.

"I'm sorry," i whispered.

He kissed the top of my head. "Don't be. I'm the one who should be sorry. I hate that you're frightened like this." i didn't say anything as i cuddled into him. I felt bad lying to him. He didn't deserve it. But what else was i supposed to do. Stealing from him was the only thing i could do. "My father told me he talked to you."

I nodded. "He found me in one of the hallways looking at a portrait."

"Which one?"

"The one of you smiling." he chuckled. "What made you smile in that one?"

He twirled a piece of my hair between his fingers. "My mother was annoyed that she didn't have a portrait of me smiling. She had ones with a fake smile but none with a real one. Nate made a comment that my mate's gonna think i'm a emotionless loser if i didn't smile. The painter we had was a vampire so the second Nate made me crack the smallest smile he painted the portrait."

"It's my favorite portrait."

"Well i guess Nate was right then," he chuckled.

I smiled. "You love me, don't you?" i asked, in an almost inaudible tone.

He pulled me flush against him. "With every ounce of my being,," he told me.

"Would you still love me even when i am old and grey?"

He sighed. "Of course i will love you if you become old and grey, i would rather you not grow old but if that does happen then yes i will still love you." i felt him kiss the top of my head. "Alexa, tell me how you feel about me."

"I really care for you."

"But do you love me?"

"I don't know," i whispered. "I've never loved someone who wasn't my family. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry for not knowing how you feel. All i ask is that when you do know how you feel to tell me. Can you do that for me?"

"Sebastian, i swear the moment i know, i'll tell you."

***********************************************************************************************I don't love this chapter but here it is anyways. So I've had a lot of people recently ask about my updating schedule so I thought I'd let y'all know what's up. I update once every Saturday unless I tell you different on my message board (which happens every once in a while when I'm too busy to update on Saturdays) so to make sure you always know when I'm updating make sure to follow me! The only book as of right now that gets two chapters published a week is "not Your Average Cinderella" and that is because it was completely finished when I first started publishing it. The reason for my not publishing multiple chapters at once in my other stories is just because my other stories are still in progress and I don't want to get to a point where I don't have chapters to update and then have to put a story on hold.

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