chapter 6

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"to tell you the truth,I'm sincerely sorry.."I cut him off "I'm not up for a pity party "I say."just shut up"he said and I shot him a look."sorry as I was saying I don't really have any words to say....."cut off by the door opening and Donovan coming in. I felt the anger radiating off him as his eyes flickered between Luca and I ."Luca I've been calling you but you didn't answer and this is what you're doing"he barks."Don it's not like that but....."Luca was about to finish."Donovan Luca is sorry and I was the one who had him stay here so if you have anything to discuss with him I guess you should go to your office"I said not wanting the argument to go further."Right ,Luca "he says when he opens the door we see the whole team standing there .They just casually back away as Don and Luca pass and eventually went away .When I follow them to the kitchen I hear them murmuring, surely not wanting anyone else to hear but because of my stealth they couldn't notice me there ."Shivar isn't going to be happy"I heard Storm say."Because of the other new competition"Dynasty says."yeah she also has Luca whipped ,if I do say so myself she is a pretty number"Leo says . Dynasty scoffs and rolls her eyes ."sure"she sarcastically says. Damon, Princeton and Mark casually walk quietly.Mark notices me and he nudges Damon and Princeton and they two look at me and keep quiet looking back. I reach the kitchen successfully unoticed and drink some water ,that story must've done a number on me.
Damien ,Asia ,Damon and Isis sat at the kitchen island looking at me , more like staring.I just roll my eyes and look for a pot to cook macaroni and cheese for myself. I accidentally drop the whole packet into the pot and casually continued to cook it .I still remembered my mother's recipe .I don't let myself cry because I wasn't alone four bone heads had been staring at my back for thirty minutes as I cooked. It was my first time cooking in this household I'm sure they must be surprised and think that I've poisoned it .Luca walks into the kitchen looking very drained I'm sure Donovan must've stressed him out.
"Hi Luca"I said as I placed a plate and a cup of water for me too eat on the counter, before I could get the first fork Luca had snatched my fork and the plate away and began to eat it."aren't you afraid she must've put poison in it"Damien said clearly not trying to hide the disgust ."Smarty do you think she would have poisoned herself and I'm sure you watched her cook"Luca retorted. Damien looked like he was about to burst a blood vessel. I chuckle to myself as I stand up again to take some more."why did you do that"I heard.Luca say and I turned around to see Isis eating from the bowl ."make that 2 "she says to me then Asia grabs the bowl and takes some"Make that 3"he says. Before he finishes the food he shoves it into Damien and Damon's mouth too .It happen so fast and Damon was like"Make that 4 "Then everyone looked a Damien and he said "whatever"and that was a obvious yes .I served everyone and we're all now eating engaging in some talk and laughing .Don walks in and "what's happening in here it is like we are having a family reunion"
"No , Melian cooked and it tastes so good do you want some" Mark chirped .They had arrived a few minutes back."sure "he answers .I stand up and serve him too ,when he tastes it he looks at me surprised ."Delicious"he says. I looked very baffled, but I just nodded my head and sit down finishing what I had been eating.
Shivar walks in and sits in Donovan's lap, everyone's head snaps to me . Seeing her sit there suprisingly did bother me ,but I was good at showing no feelings. I felt like dragging her of his lap by the hair ,but who was I to interfere. I finished up my food and walked out dropping my plate in the sink and screaming goodnight halfway out the door.
I had learnt that before the big bash was another formal meeting so that people could get together and talk.Finally something I could do.
"Mel tomorrow there is going to be a meeting were the groups come together to chat"Mark says from outside the door."why don't you come in"I ask.
"Huh I think Don is calling me bye"he shouts .I chuckle lightly as I hop into bed. My door creeps open and I am up instantly with a knife in my hand and on the intruders neck."hey it's Don "the person says and I reach for the light switch.
"Hey"I say tossing the knife across the room.
"Thank you for the warm welcome"he sarcastically says .
"My pleasure Mr Mani"I said "how can I help you"
"So my mother wants to see you"he said scratching the back of his neck ."Excuse me"I said in pure shock my eyes were definitely the size of sauce pans ."I said my mom......"
"I heard that loud and clear,my point is why in the world would she want to see me of all people why couldn't she say Isis or Storm or something"I ramble."She wants to see the person who will take down my enemy and protect me"he said.
I rub my temples "what did she say exactly"
"She said she wanted to see the assassin"he said blankly.
"So she doesn't know I'm a female "
"Okay so I need my own car with no plates that I'm going to use so that they do not think I'm with you "I instructed.
"But what about when we meet my mother there what are we going to do won't they get suspicious"he asked and I smirked.
"No I'm going to go there as the daughter of a Mafia leader who passed away ,and when we get there.......(I told him the plan)"
He nods"So then good night my lady."he says.
"Night"I said as I walked him to the door.
I shut it and jumped into the bed as soon as my head hit the pillow I fell asleep.

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Ps. sorry for some errors working on that

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